
Crisis-trained chaplains share comfort and hope at Buckingham Palace memorial

It’s not uncommon for the gates of Buckingham Palace in London to be buzzing with tourists taking photos and admiring the royal guards. But recently it’s been different. Hours after the Her Majesty the Queen  announced the death of her husband, Prince Philip, the mood around the palace was sombre. Amongst the trail of flower …

Billy Graham Chaplains Deploy to London After Prince Philip’s Death

A team of crisis-trained chaplains from the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) is ministering in central London following the news of Prince Philip’s death. On Friday morning (9th April, 2021), Queen Elizabeth II announced the passing of her husband, Prince Philip. The Duke of Edinburgh was 99 years old, and had been married Her …

Newsletter: An Easter Message from Will Graham

Dear Friend, It’s hard to believe that three years have passed since my grandfather Billy Graham completed his journey and entered the presence of Jesus. After a lifetime of proclaiming the hope of the Saviour, God called him home. He looked forward to Heaven. It wasn’t just a “someday” or “I hope” type of longing, …

Newsletter: Proclaiming Christ to a Desperate World

Dear Friend, The Bible says, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34, ESV). Without truth and godliness, there can be no real peace. In America, we have experienced a tumultuous political season unlike any in my lifetime. The Bible tells us to pray for our elected officials. We …

50 Countries Join Small Town’s Livestream With Will Graham

Since COVID-19, the world has seemed limited. But Saturday night, in the rural area of Tifton, Georgia, Will Graham preached a hope-filled message that far surpassed the town’s population of 17,000—even amid a pandemic. More than 100,000 online viewers used BillyGraham.org, YouTube and Facebook to livestream the Tiftarea Celebration that featured music artists Rhett Walker and Aaron Shust ahead …

Billy Graham Chaplain: ‘Live our faith as well as we discuss our faith’

Greg Doughty is chaplain for the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (RRT). He is part of a UK-based team of chaplains who are trained to respond to crisis situations by providing emotional and spiritual support – and share the hope of Christ to those in need.  We interviewed Greg about being an RRT chaplain, and …

Can Online Fellowship Work? Insight and Answers for the Pandemic

When COVID-19 first made headlines, no one knew the vast effect the virus would have on day-to-day life. Largely confined to our homes, the World Wide Web became our classroom, our sanctuary, our community centre, our youth group, our library, our grocery store. Now almost a year later, social distancing is still a thing and …

The Lasting Impact of Billy Graham Crusades in the UK

Below are stories from four people who found Christ at a Billy Graham crusade in the UK. Read about the life changing moment when they first gave their life to Christ after hearing Billy Graham preach the Gospel. Jan: ‘Everyone needs Jesus Christ in their lives’ Jan Kaplan was eighteen-years-old when she found Christ at …

Will Graham and Edward Graham Visit COVID Field Hospital

Will Graham and Edward Graham said they were encouraged by the work Billy Graham chaplains are doing on-site at a Samaritan’s Purse emergency field hospital in Lenoir, North Carolina. As hospitals become overwhelmed by the uptick in COVID-19 cases after the holidays, the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team’s (BG-RRT) crisis-trained chaplains are ministering at a …

February 6: Watch Will Graham Celebration Live

Will Graham will be in Tifton, Georgia, February 6 to lead the Tiftarea Celebration, both in person and online. The Celebration was pushed back nearly a year due to the coronavirus, and is the first in-person evangelistic event since Franklin Graham’s Festival in Guam and Saipan in February 2020. Heading up Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s …