A 20-Something in the Middle East Asks Questions About Christianity

Emad,* a man in his 20s living in the Middle East, contacted the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s (BGEA’s) Arabic-language Gospel site, Salam Maa Allah, with questions about Christianity. He had learned a little about Jesus Christ but said, “I was harshly criticised and warned about the consequences of following Jesus. I didn’t have anyone to teach me the message of Christ.”

He found the website one day while searching the internet and knew it was time for him to learn about Jesus.

From there, he was connected with trained, Arabic-speaking volunteers from BGEA’s internet evangelism ministry and started going through a free, online discipleship course called The God Who Saves.

As he went through the course, he began to understand the Good News. He read through the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Emad had a lot of questions about baptism, which a volunteer answered, and he requested a hard copy of the Bible.

The internet evangelism team connected Emad with a group of believers near him, who provided him with a Bible in his language.

After exploring the claims of the Gospels, Emad decided he wanted to follow Jesus Christ, and he prayed to repent of his sins and surrender his life to the Lord.

He shared with BGEA’s online ministry, “I will follow our Lord Christ alone and will not follow anyone else. I will not deny my faith in our Lord Christ even though this thing will cause me to be killed.”

Please pray for new believers in the Middle East like Emad. Ask God to give them strength in obeying His Word and remaining bold in their faith.

*Name changed to protect privacy.