
Will Graham Preaches Christ at First BGEA Event in Albania

Will Graham made history Friday in Tirana, Albania. For the first time ever, an evangelist from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association shared the Gospel in this former communist country. The “Festim Shprese me” or Celebration of Hope with Will Graham was held at the Palace of Congress in the nation’s capital city. >> Watch a replay of the Albania Celebration …

Phone Call Leaves Telemarketer with a Heavenly Commission

When Jeanne Balshem answered a call from a telemarketer, she had no idea it was a divine appointment from God. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association employee listened patiently to the caller’s sales pitch but also obeyed the Holy Spirit’s leading and made her own presentation for Christ. Jeanne Balshem isn’t like most people. When she sees an …

Salvation Through Trust

One day God spoke to Noah about the wickedness of the human race. The actions of men and women grieved Him to the heart. God said that He intended to send a flood that would destroy mankind, and He told Noah to build an ark to save his household and the animals. The Bible says …

Need For Inner Change

The world says that all we need to do is be decent, respectable, and reasonable. True, that is all one needs to do to be a member of the Great Society, but to be a member of the Kingdom of God, there must be an inner change. A Communist in Hyde Park, London, pointed to …

Salvation is Free

Salvation is free! God puts no price tag on the Gift of gifts—it’s free! Preachers are not salesmen, for they have nothing to sell. They are bearers of Good News—the good tidings that “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3). Money can’t buy it. Man’s righteousness can’t earn it. Social …

Sight for the Blind

I try to explain to you the joy of following Christ: the thrill, the excitement, the exhilaration—knowing where I’ve come from, why I’m here, where I’m going! There’s a reason for existence. There’s a reason for getting up every morning of the year. I try to tell you what I’ve found in Jesus Christ, and …

The Finished Work

A person is saved by trusting in the finished work of Christ on the cross, and not by bodily sensations and religious ecstasy. But you will say, “What about feeling? Is there no place in saving faith for feeling?” Certainly, there is room for feeling in saving faith. But we are not saved by it. …

A New Birth

I am reminded of a period when all the agonies that afflict modern minds were felt by another generation, the young people who lived during the first century after Christ. They too sought change, but they directed their efforts at individuals, not at the Roman Empire, not at City Hall. And eventually the whole social …