
Billy Graham’s Granddaughter Speaks on Godly Living and Family Legacies

Following in the Graham family footsteps, Rachel-Ruth Wright encouraged Christians to leave a legacy honouring to the Lord during the weekend-long seminar at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove on Saturday. The day before, Wright’s mother—also known as best-selling author and renowned evangelist Anne Graham Lotz—inspired attendees while teaching for the first time since her …

A Sacred Institution

The home is basically a sacred institution. The perfect marriage is the uniting of three persons–a man and a woman and God. This is what makes marriage holy. Faith in Christ is the most important of all principles in the building of a happy marriage and a successful home. The secret strength of a nation …

Live Creatively for Christ

Living creatively for Christ in the home is the acid test for any Christian man or woman. It is far easier to live an excellent life among your friends, when you are putting your best foot forward and are conscious of public opinion, than it is to live for Christ in your home. Your own …

Responsibility of Family

Apart from religious influence, the family is the most important unit of society. It would be good if every home were Christian, but we know that it is not so. The family and the home can never exert their proper influence while ignoring the biblical standard. The Bible calls for discipline and a recognition of …

The Broken Home

The broken home has become the number one social problem of America, and could ultimately lead to the destruction of our civilization. Since the basic unit of any society is the home, when the home begins to break, the society is on the way to disintegration. It is a threat to the American way of …


The basic unit of any society is the home. When the home begins to break, the society is on the way to disintegration. Thousands of homes are almost on the rocks. Many couples are fearful lest their home, too, will be broken some day. There is one great insurance policy that you can take out, …