Christian Living

Will Graham: 3 Lessons My Grandmother Taught Me on Times of Suffering

In my grandparents’ house, my grandmother, Ruth Graham, had a little room where she would pore through the Bible. A student of God’s Word, she had multiple translations laid out across a desk, opened to the same passage, with notes and observations scribbled in wide margins. Above the desk hung a solitary woven crown of …

Standing Strong in the Storm

Which way would we turn if the country in which we live were suddenly wrecked and all the props gone? As a whole, our nation does not know what privation is. We do not know what sacrifice is. We do not know what suffering is. Suppose persecution were to come to the church in America, …

Summer Soul Refresher: 7 Ways to Leave a Spiritual Legacy

Replenish your spiritual life through our annual Summer Soul Refresher. This is the final article in the series on 5 aspects of intentional living. Check out part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4.   “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” —Psalm 145:4 (ESV) What’s really important in your life? In death? The …

Summer Soul Refresher: The Strength and Satisfaction in Serving Others

“If you look around your neighbourhood, you will see countless opportunities for exemplifying the love of Jesus.” —Will Graham This year, the Summer Soul Refresher series is exploring 5 aspects of intentional living. (Check out part 1, part 2 and part 3.) “If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall …

Will Graham: Don’t Give Up on the Prodigals in Your Life

The thought that living a Christian life is no fun is “a lie from Satan,” Will Graham said in a livestreamed message on Wednesday. Preaching with the Black Hills of South Dakota as his backdrop, Graham shared the Bible story of the Prodigal Son—who gave up a great life under his father’s rules to live what …

Summer Soul Refresher: Reset Your Spiritual Life

Each summer, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association runs a series of spiritual growth articles called the Summer Soul Refresher. This year, we’re exploring 5 aspects of intentional living. (Check out part 1 and part 2.) And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus …

Franklin Graham Reflects on His Late Father, Dr. Billy Graham

Originally published June 19, 2020 on Focus on the Family’s The Daily Citizen. Over the last 20 years, Rev. Franklin Graham traveled each weekend to visit his father, famed evangelist Billy Graham, and his mother Ruth Bell Graham in the mountains of western North Carolina. The trips were filled with memories, prayer and conversations between father and …

Summer Soul Refresher: How to Create Community

Every summer, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association runs a series of spiritual growth articles called the Summer Soul Refresher. This year focuses on five aspects of intentional living. This is part 2. Read part 1 here. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. —1 John 4:11 (ESV) While creating community may look …

Tips for Memorising Scripture with Kids

You are never too young to memorise Scripture. David the psalmist said, “I have stored up Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11). Download the Gospel Alphabet to share with your kids (pdf)  Sometimes it’s easy to take food for granted. But without it the body doesn’t get the nourishment …

Newsletter: Unprecedented opportunities in an unprecedented time

Dear Friend, Fear is gripping many hearts in this global pandemic, and people don’t know where to turn for hope. The Gospel we proclaim is the only message that can bring peace in the midst of any storm in life. “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, …

Your New Mission Field Is Your Neighbours

Wandering outside more these days? Stay-at-home orders and beautiful spring weather have given many people a chance to chitchat and meet neighbors from a safe distance. With so much fear and negativity surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, offering your neighbors some encouragement can be refreshing. Plus, with no televised sports or after-school activities, your cul-de-sac may contain …

Keeping Spiritual Community During Social Distancing

During this strange time of social distancing due to the coronavirus, there’s a danger of becoming isolated. Everyone is susceptible, especially the elderly, those with disabilities and people working from home. Truth is, God made people for community. We rely on each other for company, encouragement and practical help. We celebrate happy occasions and offer …