
Over 17,000 Hear the Gospel at Will Graham’s First Outreach in Brazil

Photo above: Through a Portuguese interpreter, Will Graham addressed thousands in the city of Curitiba, capital of the Brazilian state of Parana. It’s hard to describe the passion and joy inside Campina Grande do Sul rodeo arena as Esperança Curitiba (Hope Curitiba) began Saturday night. Many stood in line for hours to get in. Thousands …

Will Graham Devotion: Struggling to Prioritize?

Bible Reading: Haggai 1, NKJV Priorities and idols can be a constant struggle. Though we call on Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, we tend to let the things of this world assume an exaggerated level of importance that crowds out our focus on Him. It could be our jobs, our hobbies, our comfort, or even …

Faithful to the Truth

One purpose of this issue of Decision magazine is to alert the reader to the enormous deception sweeping through our nation. We were founded as one nation under God. How is it that we have forsaken the foundation on which we were built? When did we throw away our moral compass? The impact is devastatingly destructive. The …

Equipping Zambian Christians to Share God’s Love During Crisis

Last month, the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) hosted two training events in Zambia, preparing believers to boldly share the hope of Jesus Christ and offer emotional support to those who are hurting. Over 1,300 church leaders and church members attended the first Sharing Hope in Crisis (SHIC) training. A second, invitation-only seminar included more than …

Preparations for Will Graham Event Spark Passion for Evangelism in Brazil

Since the official launch of Esperança Curitiba Com Will Graham (“Hope Curitiba With Will Graham” in Portuguese), churches in this metropolitan area have enthusiastically joined forces to reach their city with the Good News. Between May and June, over 3,500 people from 65 churches participated in evangelism training opportunities offered by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). These training courses explore …

Do Not Conform to the World

When Rome was at the height of her glory and power, there appeared a disturbing sect called Christians. Because of a fire that burned within them, these people dared to be different. In an era when immorality, lavishness and luxury were stylish, they refused to be defiled by the sensual practices of a disintegrating civilization. …

How Do You Build a Strong Spiritual Foundation?

  “No one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” —1 Corinthians 3:11, ESV Have you ever walked into a beautiful home and felt the floor sag beneath you? A weak foundation can put an entire building—and those in it—at risk. After a hurricane decimated part of her …

Will Graham Devotion: Worth the Cost

  Bible Reading: Luke 15:8-10, NKJV While salvation is a free gift, it is not without a cost. It’s given to us freely, but it cost Jesus everything as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. There are also “costs” for you and me as we follow Christ. So many want to live the Christian life without …

United with Christ in Death and Life

What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore we …

Will Graham in South Korea: ‘Lord, Raise up This New Generation’

As part of a special weekend celebration, Franklin Graham and Will Graham helped commemorate the 50th anniversary of Billy Graham’s historic 1973 Seoul, South Korea, Crusade. Will Graham shared the Gospel at a youth rally on Friday, and Franklin Graham shared the Good News Saturday at the Seoul World Cup Stadium. A huge crowd filled …

Will Graham: Preaching the Cross of Christ

It was the summer of 1953, and my grandfather Billy Graham—still a young preacher and only a few years into his evangelistic ministry—was holding a monthlong series of meetings at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas. On one particular evening, he was feeling rather discouraged. People had responded at the invitation, but he felt like his …

Taking Back Your Sabbath

What do Sundays look like for you? Are they are a time to rest and recuperate? Or do you find yourself scrambling through the day, trying to get everything done before Monday morning? Forsaking the Sabbath can leave us feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and stressed. As a wife and mother of three, Cissie Graham Lynch shares …