
Newsletter: Giving God all the Glory for Changed Lives

GIVING GOD ALL THE GLORY FOR CHANGED LIVES Dear Friend, It was a joy and privilege to preach in the United Kingdom last month during the God Loves You Tour events in Birmingham and Glasgow. Thanks to the commitment and support of believers like you, more than 1,100 people surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ …

Billy Graham: The Cure for Anxiety

  Excerpted from a sermon by Billy Graham: Historians will probably call our era “the age of anxiety.” Though we have it easier than our forefathers, we have more uneasiness. Looking in the Wrong Places Modern men and women have fled to their ivory towers and there, surrounded by their luxuries, their computerized gadgets, and …

How Do You Build a Strong Spiritual Foundation?

“No one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” —1 Corinthians 3:11, ESV Have you ever walked into a beautiful home and felt the floor sag beneath you? A weak foundation can put an entire building—and those in it—at risk. After a hurricane decimated part of her community …

WATCH: Will Graham Gold Coast, Australia Look Up Tour

  For many, the Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia, is paradise: palm trees, white-sand beaches, bright lights, and high-end cars. It’s the kind of vacation oasis that draws people from around the world. At the same time, this region—often compared to Miami or Las Vegas—is appropriately referred to by the locals as Sin City. Between …

Good News Resonates in Glasgow as Hundreds say: ‘I Want Jesus’

When Karen heard about the Franklin Graham God Loves You Tour in Glasgow, Scotland, she immediately thought of Teresa*—her daughter’s mother-in-law. “I heard that she was interested in Christianity,” Karen shared. “I knew exactly who I was going to invite tonight.” And on Saturday night Teresa was one of more than 7,500 people in the …

Billy Graham Statue Unveiled at U.S. Capitol, Pointing People to the Gospel

  For House Speaker Mike Johnson, Thursday’s ceremony was more than just unveiling another bronze statue at the U.S. Capitol. It was far bigger than the 7-foot statue of Billy Graham pointing to the open Word of God. This statue will be installed in the crypt—one level below the Rotunda where every public tour of …

Newsletter: The Only Power that can set People Free

THE ONLY POWER THAT CAN SET PEOPLE FREE Dear Friend, I’ve just finished preaching in Kraków, Poland, where the Lord did a mighty work. Before the God Loves You Tour event, journalists in the city bluntly asked me why I wanted to share the Gospel there in Poland’s City of Churches. While it may be …

40 Years Later, Birmingham Man Prays For More Souls To Be Saved

  “Come on, let’s go!”’ Ten-year-old Nathaniel and six-year-old Michelle grabbed their parents’ hands and pulled them toward the stairs. Billy Graham had just invited the crowd in Birmingham’s Villa Park to publicly respond to the Gospel message, and people were streaming down on to the field to pray with a volunteer counsellor. Nathaniel and …

Will Graham Devotion: Feeling Betrayed?

Bible Reading: Mark 14:69-72, ESV As we think about the sacrifice of Jesus, we often focus on the unbearable physical pain He endured. He was hit, flogged nearly to the point of death, and had a crown of thorns driven into His scalp. He was made to carry His own cross. Nails were punched through His …

Will Graham Devotion: A Roman Governor’s Role in That First Easter

Bible Reading: Matthew 27:22-24, ESV Easter exists because Jesus died for our sins and conquered the grave. We celebrate life at Easter, because death lost its sting with Christ’s triumphant resurrection. Sadly, many have never experienced the true meaning of Easter. They may know of Jesus and what He accomplished on the cross, but they can’t …