
Anne Graham Lotz on Setting an Example in Your Home

“Even when I am old and grey, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare Your power to the next generation, Your might to all who are to come.” — Psalm 71:18 As I look into the months and years ahead, I wonder … will things get better? Will we get back to whatever …

LISTEN: Hiding From God? A 1-Minute Message From Billy Graham

“In the book of Psalms, it says, ‘Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go to the heavens, you are there; and if I make my bed in hell, even there I can’t get away from you, God.’ Don’t try to run from God. Run toward …

Want to Grow Your Faith? There’s a Free Course for That

“Spend more time in study and prayer. That’s the secret of successful evangelism.” —Billy Graham There’s much uncertainty in the world, but for those who put their trust in Jesus, the certainty of knowing God is in control provides a comfort like no other. This assurance is imperative today, and many are searching for it. …

5 Ways to Start a New Season in Life

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” —Isaiah 43:19 Are you tired of the same old thing, day in and day out? Maybe you find yourself in a rut these days, struggling to find …

Summer Soul Refresher: God Will Provide

With all the distractions of summer, it’s easy to lose focus on our daily spiritual walk. That’s why Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has created the Summer Soul Refresher, a 5-part series designed to encourage your faith. This year, we’re reflecting on five promises from God, and part 2 focuses on God’s provision. Read part 1 here. “And my God …

Remembering Ruth Bell Graham: 5 Endearing & Inspirational Stories

Shion Fenty (left) and her mother Jennifer Haynes-Young (right) were elated to attend the Ruth Bell Graham Celebration Dinner, hosted by the Billy Graham Library, on Friday. During the sold-out event, Ruth Graham (center) and her sister Gigi shared some of their favourite memories of their mother. Give me things to do that others shun, …

Will Graham: In the Midst of Life’s Storms, God’s Love Never Fails

Dear Friend, Our God is faithful! In the midst of the storms of life, His love is never-failing. “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not” (Lamentations 3:22, NKJV). I just returned from the Pacific Northwest, where we held two appreciation dinners for law enforcement officers in the Portland, Oregon/Vancouver, …

LISTEN: An Atheist Changed by the Reality of the Resurrection

  Lee Strobel is a skeptic by nature. With a law degree and a career in investigative journalism, he set out to disprove the merits of Christianity. All for the purpose of “rescuing” his wife from a local church. What he discovered was not what he was expecting. On this episode, Lee tells us about …

Dimensions of the Cross: 4 Aspects of Christ’s Love

When you think of the cross, what comes to mind? Billy Graham once encouraged Christians to truly ponder the structure used for capital punishment. Consider the four dimensions, he urged. Think on the breadth, length, height and depth of Christ’s love for you. “Among all the emblems of the world none is admired, glorified and …

Crisis-trained chaplains share comfort and hope at Buckingham Palace memorial

It’s not uncommon for the gates of Buckingham Palace in London to be buzzing with tourists taking photos and admiring the royal guards. But recently it’s been different. Hours after the Her Majesty the Queen  announced the death of her husband, Prince Philip, the mood around the palace was sombre. Amongst the trail of flower …