
The Fire Doesn’t Go Out

As thousands flocked to Wilmore, Kentucky, USA, to join in the Asbury revival that began on 8 February, among them was 95-year-old Jim Foulkes, a retired missionary surgeon from North Carolina, USA. Watching the glorious sight of young students streaming forward to the altar to confess and repent of their sins, his mind quickly went …

Billy Graham on Worry

What if you could easily transfer worry out of your heart? Billy Graham said you can with prayer. “Through Jesus Christ, we can have the most fundamental relationship in life restored. Let Him bear your burdens, help you solve your problems, help direct and lead you in your life.”   God loves you with an …

Billy Graham Radio Special: The Proof and Power of the Resurrection

Listen as Billy Graham explores the reality of Jesus Christ’s victory over death and the difference it can make in your life.   God loves you with an everlasting love. Find out more today. GIVE TO WHERE MOST NEEDED I want to reach the world with the Good News by equipping the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association …

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

    While attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, I heard a Muslim imam say that he did not believe in vicarious atonement for sin. In other words, he did not believe the death of Jesus was necessary. Have you ever heard someone say that there are other ways to God besides Jesus? …

Billy Graham: I Want It Now

I once saw a big ad in the newspaper that said, “I want it now.” What it meant was that you get it now and pay for it later. That’s the way most of us buy things these days. We’re living in a period that I think may go down in history as “the instant civilization.” …

Why Pray for Things That Don’t Seem Possible?

Q: It’s discouraging to pray for things that never come. I don’t mean “things” as much as praying for peace to come to this world, diseases to be exterminated, poverty to be overcome, relationships to be restored, and people to be saved. Why pray if the right answers don’t come? A: From the writings of …

In His Words: What Billy Graham Once Said About Eternity

  Billy Graham was born on November 7, 1918. It’s been five years since he went to be with the Lord, an event he often said he looked forward to “with great anticipation.” Mr. Graham was ready to meet his Savior and spend eternity with Him in heaven. Here are five quotes from Mr. Graham over …

The University of Life

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He can give you peace and joy. Billy Graham explains more in this 1985 message from Fort Lauderdale, Florida.   GIVE TO WHERE MOST NEEDED I want to reach the world with the Good News by equipping the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association UK with resources—including personnel, materials, support …

Revival Breaks Out at Asbury University

What began as a typical chapel service on the 8th of February on the campus of Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, United States, continued for several consecutive days, with around-the-clock prayer, testimonials, Scripture reading and praise and worship of Jesus Christ by hundreds of college students, faculty, staff, community members and out-of-towners. For hours, Hughes Auditorium, …

Does the Bible Value Women?

In Bible times, Jewish women were treated as second-class citizens. And under Roman law, women weren’t even considered citizens or given legal rights. Popular Greek philosophers—who dominated thought in Jewish culture—marginalized women, with some even calling them dangerous. Men could commit adultery while others turned a blind eye, while women who did such could be …