
God’s Word Transforms Lives in Naples, Italy

Watch Replay: Noi Festival in Naples, Italy As the sun went down over Naples, Italy, Maddalena listened intently with her boyfriend Antonio and 9-year-old son by her side. The couple had been invited to the Noi Festival by their friend Enzo, a prayer volunteer, who had been praying for them in the months leading up …

Newsletter: Sharing the Hope of Christ in Southport

SHARING THE HOPE OF CHRIST IN SOUTHPORT Dear Friend, As I write this, I’m preparing to return to Italy to share the Gospel in Naples, along the country’s southern coast. Most people in Naples have heard of Jesus Christ—but the vast majority don’t know that He alone has “the words of eternal life” (John 6:68, …

20 Million Indicated Decisions for Christ Across the Globe

  Millions of people searching online for hope or spiritual answers have encountered, a website that shares four simple steps to having a relationship with God. Since 2011, when the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) launched its Search for Jesus ministry, there have been 20 million indicated decisions to follow Jesus Christ—from people all across …

Will Graham Devotion: The Difference Between Mercy and Grace

Bible Reading: Hebrews 4:16, ESV 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.   Grace and mercy. Mercy and grace. Two terms that are often used interchangeably. They go hand-in-hand, but there is indeed a difference. Mercy is …

Venue Staff Comes to Christ at God Loves You Tour in Birmingham

“God bless,” said Alastair*, one of the staff stationed by the entrance at Resorts World Arena in Birmingham, where the God Loves You Tour took place in June. At the end of the evening, after speaking and praying with many people impacted by the event, the BG-RRT chaplains decided to head back to the entrance. …

Reaching Gen Z, a Lost Generation

Gen Z has become known as a lost generation—with many young people falling away from faith or never even hearing the Gospel message. Ranging in age from 12 to 27, they seek purpose and truth on YouTube and social media—but all too often trusting peers and influencers without verifying facts. On Thursday, more than 100 …

Newsletter: Great is His Faithfulness

GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS Dear Friend, I’ve been thinking a lot about faithfulness lately—God’s enduring faithfulness, and the faithfulness of friends like you. I hope you understand what your prayers and support mean to all of us at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. God is using you, and we are grateful for your partnership in …

Dr. Ben Carson Urges Christians to Never Waver in ‘The Perilous Fight’

On Thursday morning, a long line of brightly coloured umbrellas followed the path to the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina. More than 650 people came from near and far for a book signing with Dr. Ben Carson. Many waited patiently outside the Library doors in the bleak Thursday weather. The neurosurgeon recently released …

Newsletter: Giving God all the Glory for Changed Lives

GIVING GOD ALL THE GLORY FOR CHANGED LIVES Dear Friend, It was a joy and privilege to preach in the United Kingdom last month during the God Loves You Tour events in Birmingham and Glasgow. Thanks to the commitment and support of believers like you, more than 1,100 people surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ …

Billy Graham: The Cure for Anxiety

  Excerpted from a sermon by Billy Graham: Historians will probably call our era “the age of anxiety.” Though we have it easier than our forefathers, we have more uneasiness. Looking in the Wrong Places Modern men and women have fled to their ivory towers and there, surrounded by their luxuries, their computerized gadgets, and …

How Do You Build a Strong Spiritual Foundation?

“No one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” —1 Corinthians 3:11, ESV Have you ever walked into a beautiful home and felt the floor sag beneath you? A weak foundation can put an entire building—and those in it—at risk. After a hurricane decimated part of her community …