
Will Graham Devotion: Complacent Christians

Bible Reading: Malachi 1:6-14, NKJV After hundreds of years of disobedience to the Lord, God punished the Israelites with seven decades of captivity in the city of Babylon. After this discipline, one would think the people of Israel had learned their lesson. The exiles had returned, the temple was rebuilt, and Jerusalem had re-established some degree …

Why can’t I break the bad habits (sins) that seem to weigh me down?

Q: I’m discouraged because I’ve been saved a while but haven’t made any improvement, still struggling with things my friends said were keeping me from surrendering to Jesus Christ. Why can’t I break the bad habits (sins) that seem to weigh me down? A: From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham After we receive Christ as …

Franklin Graham Announces Glasgow Outreach Back on Schedule

Following last year’s four-city God Loves You Tour in the United Kingdom and this summer’s outreach in London, Franklin Graham has announced that he will be sharing the same message of hope in Scotland next June. “We are excited to return to London again this year and to have an opportunity to preach the Gospel in Glasgow,” said Franklin …

Faithful to the Truth

One purpose of this issue of Decision magazine is to alert the reader to the enormous deception sweeping through our nation. We were founded as one nation under God. How is it that we have forsaken the foundation on which we were built? When did we throw away our moral compass? The impact is devastatingly destructive. The …

More Than 12,000 Begin Relationship With Christ in Venezuela

During the first weekend of July, the city of Mérida in the Andes Mountains of north western Venezuela welcomed a two-day evangelistic outreach in which tens of thousands of people heard the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ at the Guillermo Soto Rosa Stadium. Festival de la Familia began with a special outreach event for …

Lives Transformed by the Good News in Moldova

Thousands listened as Will Graham preached the Gospel at the Celebration of Hope in Chisinau, Moldova, a small country in Eastern Europe bordering Ukraine. “Jesus was crucified for our sin, He died for our sin, but yet three days later He rose from the grave,” said Will Graham. “He’s alive today and it can change your …

A Big Move of God in the Small Country of Moldova

Eugenia was working with the elderly in Ukraine when she started seeing the bombs drop overhead. She didn’t want to leave her home, but it was getting too dangerous. Born in Moldova—a small country between Ukraine and Romania—Eugenia moved to Ukraine in 1992. Last August, she made the slow, 24-hour trip back to her home …

‘A Whole New Life’ Draws Thousands to Christ in Mexico City

What motivates people to take an hourlong bus ride on a Sunday afternoon, or sit at the back balcony in an arena at full capacity? Whether it was curiosity or excitement, thousands came to see what the Festival Esperanza CDMX (Mexico City Festival of Hope) was all about—with many longing to know if there really …

Will Graham Devotion: Your Calling Is Evangelism

  Bible Reading: Romans 10:17, ESV As an evangelist, I have been called to share the Good News of Jesus Christ whenever and wherever I can, and I’ve had the opportunity to do that in many venues around the world. Are you ready for the uncomfortable part? You, my friends, are also called to be evangelists. …

Franklin Graham: Preach the Gospel

Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in six different cities in three states during our God Loves You Tidewater Tour. In every town, hundreds of people—young and old—responded to the Gospel invitation to make a decision for Christ and give their hearts fully …

Is Heaven a Literal Place? Billy Graham’s Answer

Q: Is Heaven a literal place, simply a state of mind, or a kind of dream? Heaven is a literal place. It is not an imaginary world or fantasy land in which to dwell. God created Heaven with its vast array of authentic characteristics (Genesis 2:1). Jesus did not ascend to a lofty dream world following …

How Do You Build a Strong Spiritual Foundation?

  “No one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” —1 Corinthians 3:11, ESV Have you ever walked into a beautiful home and felt the floor sag beneath you? A weak foundation can put an entire building—and those in it—at risk. After a hurricane decimated part of her …