
Cissie Graham Lynch: A Conversation With Her Father on Faith and Family

How can we remain true to the Gospel in a world that rejects it? On her latest Fearless podcast episode, Cissie Graham Lynch invites her father, Franklin Graham, to share how living faithfully today can influence generations to come. “God changed my dad’s life 50 years ago when he gave his life to Christ,” Lynch said. …

Will Graham Concludes Sharing Hope in Jesus’ Name Conference

Sunday morning, Will Graham spoke on the need for evangelism and signs of revival as he led the final session of the Sharing Hope in Jesus’ Name Conference. “The end times, I believe, are right on the horizon,” Graham said. “But we also know at the end of time, there’s going to be a great …

Tips for Memorising Scripture with Kids

You are never too young to memorise Scripture. David the psalmist said, “I have stored up Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11). Sometimes it’s easy to take food for granted. But without it the body doesn’t get the nourishment it needs. The same is true for our hearts. …

7 Life Lessons Billy Graham Learned from His Mother

“The influence of a mother upon the lives of her children cannot be measured. They know and absorb her example and attitudes when it comes to questions of honesty, temperance, kindness and industry.” —Billy Graham As we celebrate Mother’s Day this year, Billy Graham is no longer missing his beloved mother, Morrow, who passed away in …

Billy Graham: A Christ-Centred Home

In the absence of sound moral teaching in our schools, it is more important now than ever for parents to teach their children by word and by example how to live for Christ in today’s world. This message by Billy Graham offers some basic principles for a godly home. The family used to be a …

Responsibility of Family

Apart from religious influence, the family is the most important unit of society. It would be good if every home were Christian, but we know that it is not so. The family and the home can never exert their proper influence while ignoring the biblical standard. The Bible calls for discipline and a recognition of …

Bridge the Gap

In searching for ways to bridge the generation gap, there is no doubt that we, as parents, will have to practice what we preach, by striving more and more to bring our conduct into line with our code of beliefs. No mother can demand that her daughter abstain from sleeping around when she herself is …