Crisis Situations

Will Graham Q&A: How Can I Share Jesus During the COVID-19 Outbreak?

Q. How can I share the hope of Jesus with others right now? A. We are currently at the intersection of a few very important realities. First, many people are facing fear and hopelessness. They are afraid because the things to which they cling (their money, relationships, jobs and health, for instance) have been proven to …

Will Graham Q&A: Should the Faithful Heed COVID-19 Warnings?

Q. As a follower of Jesus, I have faith that the coronavirus won’t harm me. Why should I let others tell me how to live my life? A. I understand where you’re coming from. After all, we are not to live in fear, especially since our days are numbered by God. I am grateful for the …

Will Graham Q&A: How Should I Pray During the Coronavirus Outbreak?

Q. How should I pray during COVID-19? A. Where to begin? There are so many things to pray for right now. To start, pray for your leaders in your community, your state, and our country, regardless of politics or political affiliation. These are difficult days, and they need wisdom and prayer. Pray for those on the …

Will Graham Q&A: What Should I Be Doing While I’m Stuck at Home?

Q. What should I be doing while I’m forced to sit at home during the coronavirus pandemic? A. First, pray! This will accomplish multiple things. It will develop your relationship with God, lift your spirit, and possibly give you further direction on what to do next. Second, spend time in God’s Word, the Bible. I’ve heard many …

Will Graham Q&A: How Can I Face My Fears of the Coronavirus?

Q. I’ll be honest. I’m afraid. A. I hear what you are saying. I think most of us probably dismissed this in its early stages, only to come to the realisation that it’s a much bigger monster than originally anticipated. My friends, I’m going to be honest: The world has every reason to be afraid. …

Will Graham Q&A: What Good Can Possibly Come from COVID-19?

Q. What good can possibly come from a disaster like COVID-19? A. I know that many are hurting badly through this pandemic—physically, financially and emotionally. COVID-19 is devastating on many levels. I’m not about to say that it’s good. However, as in past disasters, good can come from bad situations. In fact, “we know that all …

Stressed Out About Money? Hold Onto God’s Promises

Photo: Will Graham is the executive director of The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove in Asheville, North Carolina, and is vice president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in Charlotte, North Carolina. Millions of people didn’t expect to be out of a job. Or struggling to pay bills and buy food. Just two months ago, the …

New Yorkers, Italians Seek God Amid COVID-19 Conversations

(Photo above): The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team has been ministering to community members in New York and Italy due to COVID-19. Here, they offer support to a NYPD officer. Over the last few weeks, more than 1,400 New Yorkers and Italians have prayed with the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team in the middle of the COVID-19 …

Will Graham Coronavirus Q&A

There seem to be more questions than answers as the science and medical communities do their best to fight the rapid spread of COVID-19. The pandemic also has triggered spiritual curiosity. Below, Will Graham, vice president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, shares his response to one common question about the coronavirus outbreak. Q. Why did …

3 Stories of People Opening Up to Faith During Coronavirus Crisis

Although bad news has been circulating nonstop, dozens of crisis-trained chaplains from the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (RRT) have been offering the hope of Good News—the opportunity of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Created in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the team that’s deployed to 260-plus natural or manmade crises is now responding to the …

Your New Mission Field Is Your Neighbours

Wandering outside more these days? Stay-at-home orders and beautiful spring weather have given many people a chance to chitchat and meet neighbors from a safe distance. With so much fear and negativity surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, offering your neighbors some encouragement can be refreshing. Plus, with no televised sports or after-school activities, your cul-de-sac may contain …

5 Timely Billy Graham Videos for Facing COVID-19

Billy Graham’s signature southern voice has long brought comfort to troubled souls. In recent days, as the world grapples with the unprecedented coronavirus crisis, thousands of people have watched his archived sermons on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s social media accounts. “[It’s] so good to have his videos to look back on. It’s like a refresher …