COVID-19 Pandemic | BGEA Spiritual Growth Resources
With a second national lockdown looming, most of us may experience feelings of frustration and anxiousness as we approach another month of lockdown restrictions. BGEA UK would like to encourage you to take this time and use our free spiritual growth resources created for such a time as this.
We are living in unprecedented times full of uncertainty and fear for the future – but take heart that there is a living God working through the hearts of those who are tired and weary. Peace in our hearts is possible.
Whether it’s a word of encouragement, Biblical guidance or tangible ways to respond to our current crisis, let the resources below fill your mind and calm your soul. Share with others to bring them hope.
>> Click here for the full list of resources.
Need a prayer or someone to talk to? Speak with a Billy Graham Chaplain today.
Support can come in all sorts of ways during this time—our crisis-trained chaplains are here to support you through prayers or to simply offer a listening ear.
They’re here to offer spiritual and emotional support, just reach out to them using the form below.
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:20)
Chat online with a trained Search For Jesus volunteer
For years, trained volunteers from our internet evangelism ministry, Search For Jesus, have been pointing searching hearts across the globe to Jesus Christ. Especially during this time, it’s important that we share the light of Christ to those who may not know Him. Despite not being able to do traditional forms of evangelism, you can use one of the most powerful tools we have at our hands today to share God with others; the internet.
Whether you need a question answered about God or the Bible, or to simply talk to someone – use the link below and connect with a chat volunteer today.
Watch: Classic Sermons from Billy Graham
Watch timeless messages from Billy Graham to bring you hope, comfort and Biblical guidance. All clips are from Billy Graham’s decades of ministry as America’s Pastor.
“Your faith may be just a little thread. It may be small and weak, but act on that faith. It does not matter how big your faith is, but rather, where your faith is.” – Billy Graham
Where is God in the midst of disaster and disease?
Unexpected events, like the global spread of the coronavirus—can prompt us to pause and wonder what God is doing. Is He trying to tell us something?
Billy Graham encountered questions like these during his six-plus decades of ministry, and his Bible-based answers still ring true today. Read them here.
Franklin Graham: ‘We Don’t Have to Live in Fear’
“Maybe your heart has been gripped by fears as millions of others have because of the coronavirus pandemic, but I want you to know that God loves you. He made you. He created you. He knows everything about your life. You don’t need to be afraid. Jesus said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Read Franklin Graham’s full message here.
Will Graham: A Story on Social Distance from the Old Testament
Will Graham shares a story of social distancing from the Old Testament and how we can use it on our present lives living in a coronavirus pandemic world.
“It was feared that leprosy was highly contagious, and becoming inflicted led to severe social stigma. In fact, those who fell victim to the disease had to cover their faces and yell “Unclean” as they walked the streets, ensuring that others could stay away. Social distancing.” Read the full message here.