Made for God’s Purpose, Not Your Own

According to a 2019 study, 90% of young people in Britain feel that their lives lack meaning and purpose.

But the Bible teaches us that God made each and every single one of us uniquely and for His purpose – that He has a plan for each of our lives – a plan that will not harm us, but instead give us hope.

“Let Us make a man in Our image, according to Our likeness. … So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him. … Then God blessed them.” Genesis 1:26-28

Billy Graham once said: “Notice, He did not make men and women haphazardly, but with an infinite plan and purpose… You were made for God’s fellowship, and to fulfil any other purpose is to fail to fulfil your destiny.”

In an age of social media, it’s easy to compare yourself to others and live by their standards of life, and seek the approval of others. But the Bible teaches us that we were all made individually, crafted with unique skills and talents for the glory of God.

>> READ: 90% of young people in Britain feel that their lives lack meaning and purpose.

For in Him we live and move and have our being. – Acts 17:28

With God’s perfect creation, he has given us everything we could need to function in the place where we belong: one with our Saviour Jesus Christ.

For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him for Him. – Colossians 1:16

The moment we set our eyes away from what God created us for, which is for Him – then an overwhelming feeling of inadequacy will flood into us because we’ve led ourselves astray from the very reason why he breathed life into us.

His divine power has given us everything we need for a Godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. – 2 Peter 1:3

Over half of people in Britain believe that they exist on this earth to become as happy as possible, according to the study.

Billy Graham answers on youth and purpose:

Q: Why should we be worried about today’s youth?

Billy Graham: Young people have always faced pressures and temptations that weren’t much different from those they face today. But what is different is that they have more ways to give in to those pressures.

>> Read Billy Graham’s full answer here.

Q: Are we just on this earth for a good time?

Billy Graham: The problem is, God wants to be at the centre of our lives – but so do we.

>> Read Billy Graham’s full answer here.

Q: What’s your one message to the youth today?

Billy Graham: Life’s highest joy comes only from knowing Christ and seeking to do His will.

>> Read Billy Graham’s full answer here.

Q: I think my purpose in life is to be successful and famous. Is this wrong?

Billy Graham: Seek God’s will for your future. God made you and knows all about you, and He has a perfect plan for your life.

>> Read Billy Graham’s full answer here.

Q: Young people now don’t care about God. What can we do to help?

Billy Graham: Young people today are searching for answers and therefore, searching for God – not rejecting him.

>> Read Billy Graham’s full answer here.