Gallery: Chaplains deploy after severe flooding devastates Doncaster, Yorkshire

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (RRT) has deployed to offer emotional, spiritual and practical support to the suffering residents of Fishlake Village in Doncaster, Yorkshire after being hit by heavy flooding.

>> READ more about the Doncaster deployment here.

Homes have been destroyed, livestock has been lost and hundreds of people were left stranded in their homes. One million tonnes of water has already been pumped out of Fishlake, but residents are being told that ‘full recovery’ may take years.
A BGEA RRT chaplain helping in the organisation of household cleaning products donated for the victims of the flood.
A usual green scenery has transformed into a shallow lake after the heavy downpour of rain in Northern England.
BGEA RRT Chaplains spent six days in Doncaster, ministering to those in need and serving the local community of Fishlake. “Sometimes when you’re upset, you just need some love. They shared that love,” said a local resident about the Billy Graham chaplains.
Dozens of emergency response vehicles scatter across the village to meet the needs of those affected by the floods. [Left to right: fire brigade, military and police]
The local church-turned-relief-centre was filled to the brim with donations from across the country.
Words of encouragement was shared throughout the deployment. A local about the BGEA RRT chaplains: “They’re always looking to help in every single way, practically and emotionally. We’re so grateful for your help.”
A BGEA RRT chaplain checking the water levels to see if it’s safe for vehicular access. Many of the roads to Fishlake were flooded throughout the first few days of the deployment, meaning some of the journey had to be completed by foot.