
Does the Bible Value Women?

In Bible times, Jewish women were treated as second-class citizens. And under Roman law, women weren’t even considered citizens or given legal rights. Popular Greek philosophers—who dominated thought in Jewish culture—marginalized women, with some even calling them dangerous. Men could commit adultery while others turned a blind eye, while women who did such could be …

5 Things Jesus Wants Women to Know

March is Women’s History Month, a 31-day stretch celebrating women. Not only does this particular month celebrate them, but as Billy Graham once wrote in a My Answer post, “Jesus honored women and made them an important part of His ministry.” Women, made in God’s image just as man was, remain a pivotal and precious part of Jesus’ ministry even …

Did God put us here for a good time?

“Why did God put us here? I know this seems like a simple question, but sometimes I wonder if my life has any purpose to it, or if I’m just here to have a good time. What do you think?”

Wonders of Nature

In the wonders of nature we see God’s laws in operation. Who has not looked up at the stars on a cloudless night and marveled in silent awe at the glory of God’s handiwork? Who has not felt his heart lifted in the spring of the year, as he sees all creation bursting with new …

The Miracle of Life

There is a language in nature that speaks of the existence of God. It is the language of order, beauty, perfection, and intelligence. Some time ago a scientist told me that when he gave serious thought to the majestic order of the universe and its obedience to unchanging law, he could not help but believe …

Satisfaction in Him

Is it not logical to believe that the only one who can recreate us is the One who created us in the first place? If your watch were out of order, you wouldn’t take it to a blacksmith. If your car needed overhauling, you wouldn’t go to a machine shop. Our spiritual problems can be …

We Need Faith!

Dr. Wernher von Braun, the guiding scientist in the development of our great space rockets, has said, “The materialists of the 19th century and the Marxist heirs of the 20th tried to tell us that as science yields more knowledge about the creation, it makes us able to live without faith in a Creator. Yet …

Life Worth Living

“Is life worth living?” To scores of people life has ceased to be worth living. To all of you I have good news. God did not create you to be a defeated, discouraged, frustrated, wandering soul, seeking in vain for peace of heart and peace of mind. He has bigger plans for you. He has …

God Made You

It is an exhilarating experience to live the new life, with Christ inside me enabling me to live it. As a man was riding along in his Ford, suddenly something went wrong. He got out and looked at the engine, but he could find nothing wrong. As he stood there, another car came in sight, …

Human Nature

There is much in our nature that perplexes us. Many people are disturbed as they confront the troubling riddle of their own existence. They are bewildered by their proneness to sin and evil. They quake and tremble at the thought of their inability to cope with their own lives. Christ can give you satisfying answers …