
7 Life Lessons Billy Graham Learnt From His Mother

“The influence of a mother upon the lives of her children cannot be measured. They know and absorb her example and attitudes when it comes to questions of honesty, temperance, kindness and industry.” —Billy Graham Here are seven lessons Billy Graham learnt from his mother, Morrow, who passed away in 1981—37 years before her beloved son. …

40 Years Later, Birmingham Man Prays For More Souls To Be Saved

  “Come on, let’s go!”’ Ten-year-old Nathaniel and six-year-old Michelle grabbed their parents’ hands and pulled them toward the stairs. Billy Graham had just invited the crowd in Birmingham’s Villa Park to publicly respond to the Gospel message, and people were streaming down on to the field to pray with a volunteer counsellor. Nathaniel and …

Billy Graham’s Last Sibling, Jean Graham Ford, Passes Away

Billy Graham’s youngest sister, Jean Graham Ford, has died at the age of 91 in Charlotte, North Carolina. After a life lived faithfully for Jesus Christ, she is now in the presence of her Lord and Saviour. Jean is survived by her husband of 70 years, Leighton Ford, along with two of their three children—Deborah …

3 Ways to Simplify Your Christmas

The Christmas blitz has begun and already you’re overwhelmed. Maybe your to-dos are longer than a 4-year-old’s Christmas list, and you have no idea how—or when—they’ll get done. Is your Christmas shaping up to be more of a hassle than a Christ-centred holiday? What can you do to cut the stress and find the joy of Christ …

Teaching Your Children Truth This School Year

How can we prepare our children to navigate the increasingly secular culture around us? “We live in a world where there is just mass confusion,” Cissie Graham Lynch said on her most recent Fearless podcast episode. Listen to the full episode. Lynch, a mother of three, shared her concern over unbiblical worldviews permeating the classroom, affecting everything …

Cissie Graham Lynch: A Message to Fathers

“Thank you to all you fathers who are leaving a godly legacy.” As she’s gotten older, Cissie Graham Lynch appreciates her dad more and more. “I am so thankful for a father who’s never been ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who has never backed down,” Franklin Graham’s daughter shared. No matter what a father’s …

5 Truths for Fathers From Billy Graham

Who is the man who fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way he should choose. —Psalm 25:12 (NASB) Here are five truths from Billy Graham about fatherhood. 1. You can be a good father. Even if your dad wasn’t a good example or wasn’t in the picture at all, you don’t have …

Will Graham Concludes Sharing Hope in Jesus’ Name Conference

Sunday morning, Will Graham spoke on the need for evangelism and signs of revival as he led the final session of the Sharing Hope in Jesus’ Name Conference. “The end times, I believe, are right on the horizon,” Graham said. “But we also know at the end of time, there’s going to be a great …

Finding Freedom in Christ Ahead of Will Graham Celebration

Photo above: Hunter (middle), his brother, Tristan (left) and friend Ryeland (right) were baptised on June 14. Their moms were taking an evangelism training class when the Holy Spirit prompted Hunter and Ryeland to find freedom through a personal relationship with Christ. Before the bands set up and the doors open, God has been moving …

Anne Graham Lotz on Setting an Example in Your Home

“Even when I am old and grey, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare Your power to the next generation, Your might to all who are to come.” — Psalm 71:18 As I look into the months and years ahead, I wonder … will things get better? Will we get back to whatever …

Billy Graham Trivia: What Food Did Billy Graham Try to Make on a Camping Trip?

Q: What food did Billy Graham attempt to make on a camping trip with his son, Franklin? A: Eggs. Once, after a bitter cold night on Clingman’s Peak in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Billy Graham decided to make a hot country breakfast for him and his son. Franklin Graham writes about it in his autobiography, Rebel With a …