
Newsletter: Reigniting Europe’s Spiritual Flame

THE LIGHT OF CHRIST IN ETHIOPIA Dear Friend, I’ve been working to help people in Ethiopia in Jesus’ Name for more than 35 years, and now I look forward to preaching His Gospel there. This country boasts one of the oldest Christian communities in the world—but there are still thousands of people living there who …

Newsletter: Praying for World Leaders

PRAYING FOR WORLD LEADERS Dear Friend, Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of offering the invocation at President Donald J. Trump’s second inauguration in Washington, D.C. I thanked God for protecting his life and recalled the words of the Prophet Daniel as I asked the Lord to grant him wisdom: “Blessed be …

320,000 Hear About God’s Forgiveness in Historic Ethiopia Outreach

As a young man, Pastor Ashebir Ketema was imprisoned for his faith in Ethiopia. For seven months, he endured beatings and attempted brainwashing by a communist government that was in power from 1974 to 1991. That period of persecution strengthened the small community of evangelicals as they came together, supported each other, and gradually grew …

A Changed Heart in Kentucky

Major flooding in mid-February killed at least 22 people in Kentucky and West Virginia, and displaced hundreds of others. Thousands more lost power, including Linda* and Tom.* This couple in Pikeville, Kentucky, met Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) chaplains who are in the area offering emotional and spiritual care. Following severe storms, Tom and …

Remembering Billy Graham: A Look Back to BGEA’s Founding in 1950

On the 7th anniversary of Mr. Graham’s homegoing, the story of how the ministry began. It was 75 years ago on Sept. 15 that the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association committed to share the Gospel worldwide. Here’s the story of how it all began. In the summer of 1950, Billy Graham had a dilemma. During his …

‘Something’s Happening in Zambia’

An ongoing drought and scorching heat weren’t enough to stop more than 5,000 people from attending BG-RRT trainings about how to share God’s hope in traumatic situations. Sharing Hope in Crisis (SHIC) courses were held last fall in Lusaka and Ndola—Zambia’s capital and third largest city, respectively. When Kevin Williams, a BG-RRT chaplain and training manager, …

Pursuit of Worship: Calling All Young Believers

Pursuit of Worship Calling all young believers! ahead of the God Loves You Tour Event taking place in London this June, a series of Pursuit events will be taking place. Pursuit will teach you to learn how to share your faith with your friends. It will be taught in high-energy sessions with time for you …

Newsletter: Ground Breaking Ministry In Vietnam And Laos

HELP GROUNDBREAKING MINISTRY IN VIETNAM AND LAOS Dear Friend, I have just returned from historic Gospel outreaches in Southeast Asia. We give God all the glory for the thousands of lives He changed for eternity—and I thank Him for the opportunity to boldly proclaim His truth that “Christ was raised from the dead by the …

Laos Christmas of Love Festival: Wrap Up

Watch the recap from the Laos Christmas of love festival Nearly 14,000 packed into St. Phila Convention Hall over the weekend in Vientiane, Laos, with hundreds putting their faith in God’s Son, Jesus Christ. >>Please pray for all those who responded to the Gospel to continue growing in their faith as they connect with churches …

Laotian People Feel God’s Love

On Saturday and Sunday night, the Saint Phila Convention Hall in Vientiane, Laos, was filled to the brim for the largest Christian gathering ever held in the country—the Vientiane Christmas of Love Festival. At the invitation of local churches and with permission from the government, Graham shared the hope of Jesus Christ during a two-day outreach in …

Watch: Vietnam Season of Love Festival Wrap-up

  Watch the Vietnam Season of Love Festival Wrap-up Franklin Graham shared a Gospel message using the story of a blind man in Mark 10. “Bartimaeus was hopeless, and maybe there are many of you here tonight you feel hopeless,” he said. “You cannot save yourself. There’s only one, and that is Jesus Christ.” >>Please …