End Times

Newsletter: Ground Breaking Ministry In Vietnam And Laos

HELP GROUNDBREAKING MINISTRY IN VIETNAM AND LAOS Dear Friend, I have just returned from historic Gospel outreaches in Southeast Asia. We give God all the glory for the thousands of lives He changed for eternity—and I thank Him for the opportunity to boldly proclaim His truth that “Christ was raised from the dead by the …

Newsletter: Help Equip New Believers With God’s Word

HELP EQUIP NEW BELIEVERS WITH GOD’S WORD Dear Friend, You are helping reach men, women, and children everywhere with the Good News of Jesus Christ, and we thank God for you. As we prepare for Christmas and look ahead to a new year, the world is filled with as much uncertainty and suffering as it …

Newsletter: Our Only Hope Is In The Lord

OUR ONLY HOPE IS IN THE LORD Dear Friend, Does God answer prayer? As a nation, we have seen a resounding yes! For several years, the United States has been on a slippery slope, in danger of losing our freedoms of religion and speech—including our right to share Biblical truth and the Gospel of Jesus …

Newsletter: Sharing the Hope of Christ in Southport

SHARING THE HOPE OF CHRIST IN SOUTHPORT Dear Friend, As I write this, I’m preparing to return to Italy to share the Gospel in Naples, along the country’s southern coast. Most people in Naples have heard of Jesus Christ—but the vast majority don’t know that He alone has “the words of eternal life” (John 6:68, …

Newsletter: Great is His Faithfulness

GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS Dear Friend, I’ve been thinking a lot about faithfulness lately—God’s enduring faithfulness, and the faithfulness of friends like you. I hope you understand what your prayers and support mean to all of us at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. God is using you, and we are grateful for your partnership in …

Newsletter: Giving God all the Glory for Changed Lives

GIVING GOD ALL THE GLORY FOR CHANGED LIVES Dear Friend, It was a joy and privilege to preach in the United Kingdom last month during the God Loves You Tour events in Birmingham and Glasgow. Thanks to the commitment and support of believers like you, more than 1,100 people surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ …

Billy Graham’s YouTube Sermon Leads Desperate Man to Jesus

He was trying to outrun God. Darren* thought maybe if he didn’t want anything to do with Jesus, God would just leave him alone. Instead, he found, “The more I push Him away, something in me needs Him.” While browsing through YouTube, Darren stumbled across a Billy Graham sermon that altered the trajectory of his life. …

Anne Graham Lotz: Is COVID-19 a Sign of the End?

“There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven … When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”—Luke 21:11, 28 COVID-19, otherwise known as the coronavirus, has created national fear in a way …

Always Be Vigilant

When I was in the hospital in Hawaii, I read again of the shocking events which led up to the destruction of the United States fleet at Pearl Harbor. On that fateful day of December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked. We know now that that attack was invited by our failure to be always vigilant. …

The Return of the Lord

The Scriptures indicate that we are living in man’s day. But there is coming a day that will be called the Day of the Lord. In the midst of hopelessness, there is hope! And that hope is centered in the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ. Now the will of man runs riot in the earth. …

How Will You Live?

The world in which we live is full of pessimism. No Christian has the scriptural right to go around wringing his hands wondering what we are to do in the face of the present world situation. The Scripture says that in the midst of persecution, confusion, wars, and rumors of wars, we are to comfort …