Christian Living

LISTEN: Hiding From God? A 1-Minute Message From Billy Graham

“In the book of Psalms, it says, ‘Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go to the heavens, you are there; and if I make my bed in hell, even there I can’t get away from you, God.’ Don’t try to run from God. Run toward …

Want to Grow Your Faith? There’s a Free Course for That

“Spend more time in study and prayer. That’s the secret of successful evangelism.” —Billy Graham There’s much uncertainty in the world, but for those who put their trust in Jesus, the certainty of knowing God is in control provides a comfort like no other. This assurance is imperative today, and many are searching for it. …

Time to Break Out of Your Spiritual Rut?

As a Christian, you should prioritise certain things, right? Things like going to church, praying, reading the Bible and worshiping God. But what if you don’t like going to church? What if worshiping feels disingenuous and prayer seems like a chore? Maybe you worry something is out-of-whack in your spiritual life. Are you really a Christian if …

‘Fearless’ Podcast: Jane Graham on Motherhood, Ministry and Marrying a Graham

When Cissie Graham Lynch set out to create Fearless, a podcast that encourages listeners to have a “Fearless faith in a compromising culture,” there was one guest at the top of her list. In the latest episode, Lynch interviews her mother, Jane (Cunningham) Graham. The wife of Franklin Graham and daughter-in-law to Billy Graham, Jane has …

Will Graham Devotion: Solomon’s Secret Weapon

I don’t imagine I would do any of these things, but the temptation would surely be there. That would have especially been the case for a king in the time of the Old Testament. Being king meant unfathomable wealth and power; a nation hanging on your every whim and word. The situation was ripe for …

Summer Soul Refresher: God Will Give You Peace

This summer, do you find yourself bogged down by discouragement, anxiety and fear? Renew your soul by diving into God’s promise of peace as laid out in Scripture. This is part 5 of our annual Summer Soul Refresher series.  Want even more encouragement? Read the rest of the series: part 1 (God loves you), part 2 (God …

Billy Graham: One Lesson Christians Can Learn From Olympians

Someone once asked Billy Graham: How can I be more consistent in my life as a Christian? Almost every day, I start out with good intentions, but then something comes up and I end up acting the same way everyone else does. Billy Graham answered: A few weeks ago, I watched part of the Olympic …

Summer Soul Refresher: God Will Fight for You

What battle are you facing today? Find encouragement in these historical accounts from the Bible as we continue a series of articles on God’s promises.  Read more from our annual Summer Soul Refresher: part 1 (God loves you), part 2 (God will provide) and part 3 (God will never leave you). “The Lord will fight for you, and you …

Will Graham: Living a Good Life Will Not Bring People to Christ

proclaim: (verb) – to declare publicly; announce Will Graham recently spoke to staff at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association about proclamation evangelism. That is, literally telling people about Jesus. Read part of his message below. You can also get Will Graham’s devotions delivered to your inbox each Wednesday. When we talk about the power of proclamation evangelism, not …

Cissie Graham Lynch: Devotionals or God’s Word?

As a mum in her mid-30s, Cissie Graham Lynch has found that many women primarily scan through quick devotionals—instead of opening their Bibles. “Devotionals have become more popular than God’s Word,” Lynch said on Instagram. “We do not know God’s Word and what it says because we have become too dependent on other people’s words and …

5 Ways to Start a New Season in Life

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” —Isaiah 43:19 Are you tired of the same old thing, day in and day out? Maybe you find yourself in a rut these days, struggling to find …

Summer Soul Refresher: God Will Provide

With all the distractions of summer, it’s easy to lose focus on our daily spiritual walk. That’s why Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has created the Summer Soul Refresher, a 5-part series designed to encourage your faith. This year, we’re reflecting on five promises from God, and part 2 focuses on God’s provision. Read part 1 here. “And my God …