
Newsletter: Reigniting Europe’s Spiritual Flame

THE LIGHT OF CHRIST IN ETHIOPIA Dear Friend, I’ve been working to help people in Ethiopia in Jesus’ Name for more than 35 years, and now I look forward to preaching His Gospel there. This country boasts one of the oldest Christian communities in the world—but there are still thousands of people living there who …

Newsletter: Praying for World Leaders

PRAYING FOR WORLD LEADERS Dear Friend, Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of offering the invocation at President Donald J. Trump’s second inauguration in Washington, D.C. I thanked God for protecting his life and recalled the words of the Prophet Daniel as I asked the Lord to grant him wisdom: “Blessed be …

320,000 Hear About God’s Forgiveness in Historic Ethiopia Outreach

As a young man, Pastor Ashebir Ketema was imprisoned for his faith in Ethiopia. For seven months, he endured beatings and attempted brainwashing by a communist government that was in power from 1974 to 1991. That period of persecution strengthened the small community of evangelicals as they came together, supported each other, and gradually grew …

The Joy of the Lord Overflows in Ethiopia’s Capital

Thousands of colourful umbrellas shielded people from the hot Ethiopian sun as the crowd pulsed with energy. They sang and danced—children, grandparents, and even the blue-vested ushers at the venue. Sixty-five years to the day that Billy Graham preached in Addis Ababa, Franklin Graham was back for the first day of Encountering God, an evangelistic …

Will Graham Devotion: How Do You Know What’s True?

  Bible Reading: John 8:31-32, ESV “What is truth?” This was the question that Pontius Pilate asked Jesus in John 18:38. It’s such a pivotal, eternity-altering question that I have this page marked in my Bible so I can find it immediately. Many believe that truth is relative—truth for you is not necessarily truth for me. …

Newsletter: Ground Breaking Ministry In Vietnam And Laos

HELP GROUNDBREAKING MINISTRY IN VIETNAM AND LAOS Dear Friend, I have just returned from historic Gospel outreaches in Southeast Asia. We give God all the glory for the thousands of lives He changed for eternity—and I thank Him for the opportunity to boldly proclaim His truth that “Christ was raised from the dead by the …

Newsletter: Help Equip New Believers With God’s Word

HELP EQUIP NEW BELIEVERS WITH GOD’S WORD Dear Friend, You are helping reach men, women, and children everywhere with the Good News of Jesus Christ, and we thank God for you. As we prepare for Christmas and look ahead to a new year, the world is filled with as much uncertainty and suffering as it …

Newsletter: Our Only Hope Is In The Lord

OUR ONLY HOPE IS IN THE LORD Dear Friend, Does God answer prayer? As a nation, we have seen a resounding yes! For several years, the United States has been on a slippery slope, in danger of losing our freedoms of religion and speech—including our right to share Biblical truth and the Gospel of Jesus …

Wisdom for Life’s Challenges

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” —Proverbs 9:10, ESV Where do you turn when life is chaotic and unpredictable? On a new episode of her Fearless podcast, Cissie Graham Lynch invites pastor Gary Hamrick from Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, Virginia, to explore the book of Proverbs where the word …

Will Graham Devotion: Have You Thanked God Lately?

Bible Reading: Luke 17:11-19, NKJV As I ponder the amazing love of the Lord, it strikes me that there’s an ongoing risk of taking our salvation for granted. We have received this unbelievable gift, and rather than bursting with thankfulness and jumping with joy, we tuck it away. Let’s take a moment to focus on the …

Newsletter: Sharing the Hope of Christ in Southport

SHARING THE HOPE OF CHRIST IN SOUTHPORT Dear Friend, As I write this, I’m preparing to return to Italy to share the Gospel in Naples, along the country’s southern coast. Most people in Naples have heard of Jesus Christ—but the vast majority don’t know that He alone has “the words of eternal life” (John 6:68, …

Venue Staff Comes to Christ at God Loves You Tour in Birmingham

“God bless,” said Alastair*, one of the staff stationed by the entrance at Resorts World Arena in Birmingham, where the God Loves You Tour took place in June. At the end of the evening, after speaking and praying with many people impacted by the event, the BG-RRT chaplains decided to head back to the entrance. …