As we prepare to celebrate Easter, it may be difficult or seem strange not to be in church with so many services cancelled due to COVID-19. Or maybe you’re not a regular church attender, but you’re wondering about God because of the current circumstances.
Good Friday Message: Join the LIVESTREAM here.
On Friday, you can watch online wherever you are as Will Graham brings a hope-filled message live from the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina. He’ll be joined by musical artist Aaron Shust as the pair focus on the significance of this day, called Good Friday. It’s the day Jesus Christ died on the cross.
What’s so good about that?
“The cross changed everything,” Will Graham said. “If it wasn’t for the cross, we’d be isolated from God, we would still be estranged from God, without hope.”
>> Watch live Friday at 8pm (GMT): A message of hope from Will Graham, with music by Aaron Shust
It’s sin that separates us from God, but when Jesus—who lived a sinless life—went to the cross, He took the world’s sins upon Himself. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our wrongdoing and made a way for us to be reconciled with a holy God.
“The cross is what gives us hope because it tells us our sins have been dealt with once for all eternity,” Graham said.
But Jesus didn’t stay dead on the cross; He was buried and rose again just a few days later—what Christians call the resurrection. That’s what we celebrate on Easter. Jesus defeated death, meaning everyone who puts their faith in Him will live with Him for eternity.
“The resurrection is the exclamation mark on the death of Christ,” Graham explained. “That’s why we call it Good Friday. … He died so we could live.”
“We’re commanded in Scripture to remember Christ’s death and His resurrection,” he continued. When Christians take Communion, for example, they’re to remember what Jesus did on the cross.
Graham will spend a few minutes during Friday’s message talking about one particular person in the story of the crucifixion.
Join us online at 8pm (GMT) Friday to hear more, and invite your friends and family to watch with you virtually. The event will also be livestreamed on Facebook: