Q. What should I be doing while I’m forced to sit at home during the coronavirus pandemic?
A. First, pray! This will accomplish multiple things. It will develop your relationship with God, lift your spirit, and possibly give you further direction on what to do next.
Second, spend time in God’s Word, the Bible. I’ve heard many people over the years say that they don’t have a regular quiet time with the Lord because they’re too busy. For many, that is no longer the case. Rather than binging on Netflix, spend time studying and meditating on a specific passage of the Bible, and let it speak to your soul.
Third, if you’re going to jump online to watch videos, check social media and see what your Christian friends have shared. I’ve never seen the Gospel flood social media the way it has in recent weeks. What an awesome opportunity to enjoy Biblical teaching from a variety of pastors, churches and traditions.
And, finally, if you’re feeling down, sing songs of praise. Listen, Grahams can’t sing, so I’m not sure that it sounds great when I do it, but God doesn’t care how I sound. As you worship Jesus, your heart will be focused on Him, and He will fill you with hope and joy.
More Q&A’s from Will Graham:
- What good can come from COVID-19?
- Why did God allow this global pandemic to happen?
- How can I face my fears of the coronavirus?
- How should I pray during the coronavirus outbreak?
- Should the faithful heed COVID-19 warnings?
- How can I share Jesus during the COVID-19 outbreak?
Turn today to the God of all comfort. He longs to hear from you.