Click here to watch the new TV special Billy Graham: Are You Ready to Die? (available from 1am GMT)
“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” —1 Corinthians 1:18, NKJV
Are you ready to die?
The sheer bluntness of this question is unsettling. Even threatening in some contexts. But it’s also a question that could change someone’s eternity.
As he preached around the world, Billy Graham would often ask his audiences, “Are you prepared to die?” Because he wanted them to truly live.
In his last years, the evangelist had a burning desire to preach one more time. “I want to tell people about the meaning of the cross,” he shared.
Watch Billy Graham: Are You Ready to Die? today on BGEA UK Facebook page, YouTube, Billy Graham’s Facebook page or Franklin Graham’s Facebook page.
From his mountaintop home at 95 years old, Billy Graham pointed people to God through a camera lens. The new 28-minute TV special, Billy Graham: Are You Ready to Die? contains his last message.
“Because of the hope we have in Jesus, we can all be in heaven someday, forever,” the evangelist shared. “But first, there must be a decision here and now in this life.”
If we decide to follow Jesus, His death on the cross and resurrection means our sins are forgiven and we can live in joy and peace. And we have the promise of eternal life.
‘I Am the Way’
Why, you might ask, is Jesus the only way to God?
In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by me. The only way to the Father, Father God, is through His Son, Jesus Christ.”
“There are many things about the cross and about salvation that I do not understand,” admitted Billy Graham. “I’m not told that I have to understand it all, I’m told that I’m to believe. And that word ‘believe’ means commit. I commit my life totally to [Christ].
“When you come to Christ, you’re clothed in His righteousness,” Billy Graham shared in the new film. “God no longer sees your sin. He no longer sees your own heart. He sees Jesus.”
Some people, though, won’t stop living for themselves. Scripture teaches that without this change that God demands, we’ll never get to heaven.
Seeing God Face to Face
In the summer of 2005, Billy Graham preached his final series of public messages to more than a quarter of a million people in New York City over three days. It would be his final live evangelistic Crusade.
During this time, the subject of death came up in an interview with a national magazine.
“Do I fear death? No. I look forward to death, with great anticipation,” Billy Graham said. “I am looking forward to seeing God face to face. And that could happen any day.”
Thirteen years later, the beloved evangelist went to be with God on February 21, 2018.
Truly following Christ means you’ll go to heaven. But there are also earthly benefits as well.
“There’s a peace and a fulfilment, and life takes on a purpose,” Billy Graham shared. “And there’s a sense of the forgiveness of your sins, and an unspeakable joy and peace, full of glory.”
No one knows when death will come, but you can be ready. Come to Christ.