There’s much uncertainty in the world, but for those who put their trust in Jesus, the certainty of knowing God is in control provides a comfort like no other. This assurance is imperative today, and many are searching for it.
That’s why sharing the hope of Christ is so necessary. But as Billy Graham once said, telling others about Jesus first requires a firm foundation in God’s Word and a connected relationship with Him.
Through its Internet Evangelism ministry, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association offers a number of free courses to help you grow your faith and enhance your walk with Christ so you can be a light in dark times.
Here is a list of current courses offered. Find one that suits you and encourage a friend to do the same.
Know Jesus
This popular course introduces the basics of Christianity and is great for anyone who recently decided to accept Jesus. Students are assigned a coach to help them along the way.
Know Jesus is an interactive course with five lessons that will take about an hour each to complete. Some of the questions you’ll explore include “What does it mean to have faith in Jesus?” “Is there a guidebook to life?” and “How can I find real power to live God’s way?”
>>Enroll today and start learning key principles behind your newfound faith.
Christianity Explored
With so many misconceptions about the Christian faith, it’s important to know the truth and be well-versed on what believing in Jesus Christ means for your life. Christianity Explored answers some of the big, complex questions many wrestle with to help you better understand the heart of the Christian faith and the One who has changed you forever: Jesus Christ.
This course is seven lessons long, each taking about 45-60 minutes to complete. You’ll be assigned a mentor who will interact with you one-on-one.
>>Enroll today to discover the message of Jesus and what He’s done for you.
Signs of the Son
Jesus performed many miracles in His life, exemplifying God’s power for the world to see. These signs and wonders transformed the lives of those who believed—and the same can be true for you today.
Signs of the Son will take you on a journey through the Bible to look back at the miracles of Christ in Scripture. This free course includes eight video lessons that will take you 45-60 minutes each to complete. You will be assigned a trained coach to answer questions you might have.
>>Enroll in this life-changing course exploring the miracles of Christ.
Living in Christ
Feeling like God is distant or looking to dive deeper into Biblical truths to strengthen your relationship with Him? Living in Christ is a self-guided course that can be helpful for new and seasoned Christians alike. You’ll study what it means to know Jesus, obey Him and be a witness to others.
>>Enroll now to draw closer to God for a lasting relationship with the Saviour.
Know Jesus ASL (American Sign Language Version)
If you are deaf or hard of hearing and recently decided to start a relationship with Christ, this free course will help you better understand what it means to follow Him. There are five lessons total, about one hour each.
The deaf community remains one of the most unreached populations in the world. Grow your faith and allow God to use you to make a difference.
>>Enroll in this ASL course designed specifically with your needs in mind.