If you walk down the main street of Presidio, Texas, it won’t take long for you to notice the silence and emptiness.
The single-story, neutral-coloured homes and businesses almost blend in with the colours of the dusty streets and the surrounding desert. The monotony is broken only by the occasional sound of a vehicle or the squawk of a bird.
But on Saturday afternoon, the small Texas border town of around 3,000 residents saw something that, according to locals, “had never happened here before.”
The silence gave way to the sound of Dennis Agajanian’s crisp guitar notes, filling the streets of the city with its melody and preparing hearts for a message that many were desperate to hear.
The sixth stop on Franklin Graham’s God Loves You Frontera Tour, just like the previous five, was all about the Good News of Jesus Christ.
“We are here in Presidio because we feel that God has brought us here,” said Franklin Graham as he welcomed the crowd that gathered at the Manuel O. Hernández Memorial Stadium.
Graham preached from Luke 19, telling the story of how Zacchaeus, a tax collector, turned from his sin after he had an encounter with Jesus Christ.
“Zacchaeus was among the crowd and he just wanted to see who Jesus was, but he was a man of short stature. He couldn’t see Jesus,” explained Graham. “Maybe you feel you’re little in the eyes of God, that your life is not important to Him. But you are important to God. He loves you.”
Graham went on to share how we all have sinned and sin separates us from God: “But I’m here to tell you that God will forgive you, if you’re willing to come in faith to His Son Jesus Christ. All the guilt you have, all the shame you have. He can take all that and make you free tonight.”
And as he invited the crowd to turn from their sins and put their faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, people of all ages started to walk forward. Hundreds filled the space in front of the stage, ready to give their hearts to Jesus.

‘I Felt a Joy That Changed My Life’
In the middle of the crowd of 1,250, two older men emphatically lifted their hands while they prayed with Franklin Graham.
Rigoberto works as custodian for the city of Presidio, and through his job he heard that the God Loves You Tour was coming to his hometown. He told his neighbour, 76-year-old Javier, and they decided they would check out the event together—not sure of what to expect.
“I didn’t know I was coming to praise the Lord. What beautiful music!” Javier said. “There has never been something like this here in Presidio.”
The two friends were delighted with the event, but most importantly, they heard a message they had never heard before, and it filled a void in their souls.
“I felt a joy that changed my life,” Rigoberto said. “Now I know that my life belongs to Christ.”
His older friend smiled as he held his new Bible with excitement.
“I felt something so beautiful. Praise the Lord!” Javier said. “Yes, I’m a sinner, but God loves me.”

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