Since COVID-19 first made headlines last December, how we gather and communicate with others has drastically changed.
But social distancing doesn’t have to mean distance from the people and things that bring joy.
Despite the adjustments we’ve all had to make, there’s also one constant: God. And He could be using current events to get your attention.
The uncertainty of today is like no other, but you can have a certain peace through it all. Here are three ways:
Remember What the Bible Says
Throughout the Bible, God reminds us of His sovereignty. Nothing catches Him by surprise.
Colossians 1:16-17 (ESV) says, “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
It can be comforting to remember God knows all and sees all in this world. He hasn’t forgotten about you, and He wants us to put our trust in Him.
You can seal this assurance by reading the Bible and resting on God’s promises daily.
>> “Do you think there is any hope for the future?” Read how Billy Graham answered this question.
Spend Your Time Wisely
“Stay Home” orders across the country have many getting creative about how they spend their time. This can be a great chance to rest and restore, but also to be productive.
In many of his sermons, Billy Graham urged people to “redeem the time” not only by using their gifts and talents for good, but also by making the decision to follow Christ before it’s too late.
“You don’t have very much of it,” he once said about time. “The days are evil, life is very brief, the time is urgent. Don’t waste it.”
If we aren’t intentional with our time, it gives opportunity for bad habits or decisions.
Today while there’s greater opportunity, vow to make the most of seemingly extra time. Read more, make memories with family, develop a new skill or hobby. This could even be a ripe time to be a witness.
As Mr. Graham once said: “We could use millions of people marching for Christ all over the world right now, taking love instead of hate to the world, telling the people how to be saved, telling them how they can find forgiveness and newness of life.”
Get Ideas and Encouragement from Others
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, BGEA recently posted discussion questions on its Facebook page to see how others have been managing. Hundreds commented about their families being reunited, prayer life being strengthened, and how they found joy despite all that’s happening.
Be encouraged by what others are doing to make the most of this time:
Q: How are you staying connected to God and church family?
“Online church services and watching sermons from BGEA Billy Graham Classics.” —Jhanna
“Making food deliveries to those in keeps me spiritually connected to my church community through serving, even though I can’t see them on Sunday’s.” —Rusty Caston
“Our church here in Australia has a Zoom connection for Evening prayer every day and Sunday morning service plus a chat room after the Service on Sunday and fortnightly Bible study groups. … It has been quite amazing and really uniting. … The amazing thing about Sunday services on Zoom is that my daughter who lives in New Zealand is able to join in live to an Australian Church Service!” —Llynneth Crawford
Q: What Scriptures have encouraged you?
“Romans 8:28…is a great reminder to me in this time.” —Phillip Lambey
“Psalm 56:3 But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.” —Rose Brooks
“I daily read through the Psalms…they have taught me to trust in God’s love and character and love!” —Patrina Anderson
Q: How have you or your family changed for the better?
“The Lord Jesus has become the actual Lord over the house.” —@stewartist.1
“More family dinners and with group effort!” —@incognitomama
“My husband and I have rediscovered our common interests and grown closer to each other. We have deep, meaningful conversations ? # 45years ” —Kaydee Farmer
“I was born again during the quarantine.” —Brandon Valle
Q: How are you loving your neighbor?
“Sending cards to nursing home residents and staff” —@lc4338
“We have been ‘paying it forward’ out here in Colorado. A friend brought me much needed Lysol and then we turned around and gave someone else Mucinex!” — Valerie Smith
Whether this pandemic has you joyful, anxious, content or uneasy—we’re in this together.
If you’re searching for answers or struggling with today’s “new normal,” you can speak and pray with one of our Billy Graham chaplains today.