Dear Friend,

As I write this, I’m preparing to return to Italy to share the Gospel in Naples, along the country’s southern coast. Most people in Naples have heard of Jesus Christ—but the vast majority don’t know that He alone has “the words of eternal life” (John 6:68, ESV). Tens of thousands are unaware—or unconcerned—about the depth of their need for Him. They have never heard that He is their only hope—in this life and the next. Eternity is at stake for countless men and women, and it is an honour to “make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:19, NASB). Will you pray for all those who surrender their life to the Lord during the Festival?

Please also lift up local churches and pastors as they follow up with these new brothers and sisters. Pray that the Lord will strengthen and embolden them as they continue to reach out to their communities.

We have a busy schedule of evangelistic ministry in the coming months—and there are countless people in these cities who are far from Jesus Christ. Without Him, they will be lost for eternity. Will you ask the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts and minds—and call them “out of darkness into His marvellous light” (1 Peter 2:9, NKJV)? Your prayers are critical to this Gospel work, and I am grateful for you.

May God richly bless you,




Franklin Graham

President & CEO

Millie* was serving as security at the God Loves You Tour in Birmingham last June. Having worked at the venue for almost two years, she knew what to expect from big events like this. What Millie hadn’t anticipated was just how significant this night would be for her. “There were a lot of people queuing outside,” recounted James, a BG-RRT chaplain, who was standing near Millie. “I introduced myself and asked her if she believed in God.” Now in her 30s and married, Millie was brought up in a strict Catholic household. She fell away as she grew older, but admitted that despite having never committed her heart to Christ, she had some sort of belief in God.

James, having been raised Catholic himself, was able to relate to Millie’s background. He shared with her how she could be born again, receive new life, and have a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. After hearing about the hope of Jesus Christ, something moved in Millie’s heart. Then right there in the entranceway, Millie invited Jesus Christ into her heart as her Lord and Saviour. “I think she was very brave to pray with me, because she had all the other security guards around her,” James said. After praying, chaplain James asked her, “Millie, where is Jesus now?”

To which Millie replied, “He’s in my heart!” “And if you died tonight where will you go?” James added. “Heaven … because Jesus is in my heart,” Millie joyfully said. We praise God for moving in Millie
that day, and we thank Him for the team of chaplains who were able to minister to many before and after the event.

Crisis-trained chaplains from the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) deployed last month after a fatal stabbing shook the nation and rocked the community of Southport, Merseyside.
On the morning of 29th July, a brutal knife attack killed three children aged 6, 7, and 9 whilst attending a local dance class. This tragic event has been labelled as one of the worst assaults against children in the United Kingdom in decades. Chaplains swiftly deployed to Southport to offer emotional and spiritual support to those hurting. A vigil was held in Southport Town Centre, drawing a crowd of over a thousand from across the country. A sea of flowers, toys, and handwritten messages were laid for the three girls who lost their lives. Pain turned into anger for some members of the public.
A riot broke out, with many expressing their anger at the senseless violence and tragic loss of life.



When the news of the violent riots made headlines, people took the opportunity to join in the disorder. That’s what Simon* had in mind. At the vigil, a chaplain was speaking with an elderly couple before being distracted by a group of young men, loudly speaking and using foul language. One of them was Simon. The chaplain decided to step away from the group, but as he finished his conversation, he was approached by Simon. “I just need to speak to someone,” said Simon to the chaplain. He explained that his father had died just a week ago. Driven by grief and anger, Simon set off with the intention of joining the violent riots in the area. He was hurting and searching for something more. The chaplain listened intently as Simon shared his struggles and heartache. The chaplain recognised Simon’s desperation for hope. Using our “Steps to Peace With God” booklet, Simon heard the Gospel message and the ultimate joy found only in Christ. With boldness and eagerness, Simon prayed out loud to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. “I feel completely different,” Simon said, explaining that his desire for violence had completely vanished after his encounter with the chaplain. Having initially set out in search of violence, Simon left with peace in his heart and a newfound faith in Jesus Christ.


Alan* also attended the vigil to pay his respects. Looking deeply affected, he met one of our chaplains and sparked a conversation. Alan explained that he works with young people, so the killing of the three girls hit close to home for him. Conversation turned to the topic of faith, and Alan explained that he was raised in a religious home but he hadn’t pursued his faith in years. The chaplain explained that he can reconnect with God right there and then—by turning in repentance and faith to His Son, Jesus Christ. After reflecting and a time of prayer with the chaplain, Alan responded
to the Gospel message and rededicated his life to Christ as his Lord and Saviour.


Our crisis-trained chaplains were able to pray with dozens of people at the vigil. One of them was Daniel.*He approached a chaplain who stood near the area where flowers were being laid. The news of the stabbing had shaken Daniel, who lost his teenage son several years ago. His death caused Daniel years of suffering and even the breakdown of his family. Having moved to Southport for a quieter life. the shocking event and murder of the three girls caused the trauma and pain in Daniel’s heart to resurface. The chaplain was able to comfort Daniel, reminding him that God has not forgotten his grief. “The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18, NIV). After praying with the chaplain, Daniel left with a sense of hope for himself and the hurting community of Southport.



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