Dear Friend,

I’ve been thinking a lot about faithfulness lately—God’s enduring faithfulness, and the faithfulness of friends like you. I hope you understand what your prayers and support mean to all of us at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. God is using you, and we are grateful for your partnership in ministry.


I’ve just completed an evangelistic outreach in the Gold Coast region of Australia. It’s a beautiful place, with palm trees, bright lights, the buzz of activity, and miles of sandy beaches—a vacation destination that draws people from around the world. As is often the case, though, the brokenness is right under the surface. The perfect weather and festive atmosphere hide the hopelessness that people are facing. Sadly, many visit the Gold Coast to pursue pleasures they think will bring them joy, but instead, they find themselves spiralling ever deeper into sin and despair.

What a perfect place to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ—loudly and boldly! More than 4,600 people attended the one-day Gold Coast Look Up Celebration, and I encouraged them to turn in repentance to the only One who can give real peace and lasting hope.

When I gave the invitation to begin a relationship with Christ, people poured forward from all corners of the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre. One man literally ran forward, weeping and crying out to God.

Carlos* had overcome drug addiction but he was still struggling with alcohol and gambling. He was desperate for the freedom found in Christ alone and was ready to surrender his eternity to Him. This is not a normal occurrence, but Carlos yelled out to me during the invitation, wanting to talk to me and pray with me. One of my colleagues conversed with him and then brought him to the side of the stage, where I had the blessing of personally praying with this new brother in Christ, giving thanks for his decision and lifting up his struggles to the Lord.

Will you join me in praying for Carlos and each of the more than 275 people who responded to the Gospel? Pray also for the faithful, Biblical churches in the region as they begin the follow-up process and help these new believers grow in their faith.


July 1974 is a special date for my family. It was then that my father, Franklin Graham—who had spent his youth running from God—repented and surrendered to Christ as Saviour. This month, he marks 50 years since making that eternally important decision! We’ve included an insert by my father that tells this story, and I hope you’ll share it with someone who needs to hear the Good News.

He recently recorded a special video which we aired on TV—including on the national ABC network during World News Tonight and Good Morning America. Through this Gospel spot, millions of people heard about how Jesus saved my father—and how He can do the same for them. Thousands called to talk and pray with trained ministry representatives, who helped answer their questions and
point them to Jesus Christ. Thousands more made decisions for the Lord on their own at home.

Lola was one of those who called. She said that she had seen the spot numerous times that day; by the fourth time, she figured God was speaking directly to her. Alone in her home, she stopped and prayed to surrender her life to Jesus Christ. As she talked with our representative, Lola shared that she is battling cancer. She had wanted to begin a relationship with the Lord, but something had always stopped her—until now. Our team member helped Lola find a Bible-teaching church near her, prayed for her, and shared how she can grow closer to Jesus. Before their conversation ended, Lola said she planned to attend the church on Sunday!

Please pray for her and all of those who surrendered their lives to the Lord after watching this Gospel spot.

*Names and photos changed to protect privacy.


My friends, God is indeed faithful. “Through the Lord’s mercies, we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22–23, NKJV). Every day we see His goodness—through the doors He opens to proclaim His hope, through the souls He calls to Himself, and through partners in ministry like you who make it all possible. May God bless and encourage you as His Word goes out, thanks to your support and generosity.





Will Graham
Executive Vice President


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