Dear Friend,

It was a joy and privilege to preach in the United Kingdom last month during the God Loves You Tour events in Birmingham and Glasgow. Thanks to the commitment and support of believers like you, more than 1,100 people surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ and now “walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4, ESV).

For months, more than 500 churches had prepared for the tour stop in Birmingham, and on the night of the event, over 150 buses brought men, women, and children from across the region. Michael W. Smith and TAYA led us in powerful worship before I preached from Luke 19. I shared the story of Zacchaeus, who was transformed by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ—and I told the crowd of 8,300 that He still offers the same eternal hope today. When I gave the invitation, over 660 people responded by making life-changing decisions for Him.

Bagpipers kicked off the night in Glasgow, Scotland, just a week later. Their powerful rendition of “Amazing Grace” prepared the crowd to hear a clear presentation of how to “be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 15:11, ESV). Over 100 buses had brought people from as far away as Aberdeen, and over 7,600 people listened as I shared a Gospel message—and more than 520 told us they placed their faith and trust in Him.

We give God all the glory for every single new brother and sister—and for friends like you who made this Gospel outreach possible. Will you lift each of them up to Him in
prayer? Please ask Him to make them bold witnesses for Him who reach their neighbours with His truth.





Franklin Graham
President & CEO


Bilyana* is originally from Bulgaria. She attended the God Loves You Tour event in Birmingham, where she was deeply touched by the Gospel message. When Franklin Graham gave the invitation, Bilyana eagerly stood and walked forward to “repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15, ESV). The front of the arena was packed, but Bilyana eventually connected with a local pastor who was serving as a prayer counsellor. He talked to her about the life-changing decision she had just made, and she told him how eager she was to begin reading God’s Word—but explained that she cannot read English very well. Bilyana asked him if there was any way he could help her get a Bible in one of the Slovak languages she is able to read. The pastor took down all of her information so we can help connect her with a Bible-believing church. He promised to get a copy of God’s Word—along with discipleship resources—to her as soon as possible. He also prayed with Bilyana and congratulated her on her new life in Christ.


June* was invited to the God Loves You Tour event in Birmingham, England, by friends from church. She had just started attending, but when they offered for her to ride with them on a bus, she agreed. June listened to the Gospel message that Franklin shared closely. When he gave the invitation at the end of the evening, people on every side of her walked forward to surrender their lives to the Lord—but she did not. The Holy Spirit had started working in her heart as she heard the Good News that “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8, ESV) but she wasn’t ready to make a decision. The next morning she went back to church—and something changed. June freely prayed to embrace salvation in Jesus Christ. Will you pray that she will learn to follow Him as she continues to attend church, read her Bible, and pray?

*Names and photos changed to protect privacy.


Abo and Steve were invited to the God Loves You Tour event in Glasgow by friends. The two young men decided to attend together. When Franklin Graham talked about how “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23, ESV), it struck a chord with Abo and Steve. They listened closely as Franklin shared that salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone. “If you’re willing to pray that prayer tonight, God will forgive your sins,” he said. “You can hit the reset button. You can have a new start at life. But you have to make a choice.” Both men made that choice. Together, they walked forward at the invitation and surrendered their lives to the Lord. “I’ve committed sins,” Abo said. “From now on, [I want to] change my action,” he explained. “Start fresh.” Please lift these young men up to the Lord in prayer as they learn to follow Him.


When Karen* heard that Franklin Graham would be sharing the Gospel during the God Loves You Tour event in Glasgow, she immediately thought of her daughter’s mother-in-law, Teresa.* “I heard she was interested in Christianity,” Karen said. “I knew exactly who I was going to invite.” Teresa agreed to attend, and the two listened closely as Franklin preached the Good News. At the end of the event, he invited all those who wanted to make a decision for the Lord to walk forward. With Karen by her side, Teresa eagerly went ahead, ready to place her faith and trust in Jesus Christ. “I want Jesus,” she said. Both women left that night, filled with “fresh joy in the Lord” (Isaiah 29:19, ESV).


Ian* attended the God Loves You Tour event in Glasgow out of curiosity. His wife is a Christian—but he was not and he did not attend church with her. Now in his 50s, he wanted to hear more about Jesus Christ. Ian listened closely as Franklin Graham preached from Mark 10, about Bartimaeus—a blind man whose sight was restored when he called out to Jesus in faith. Franklin explained that each of us are spiritually blind apart from a personal relationship with the Saviour. At the end of the evening, Franklin urged all those who longed for that relationship to come
forward. “You come to Jesus,” he said. “Let Him heal your heart—let Him set you free tonight.” Ian was visibly emotional as he did just that. He prayed a heartfelt prayer of repentance and faith before one of our prayer counsellors gave him a new Bible and discipleship materials. Please pray that in the coming days, Ian will earnestly seek “Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2, ESV).


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