Dear Friend,
As I write to you this month, I’m excited to tell you about new doors the Lord has been faithfully opening this year for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) to proclaim His Gospel around the world.
The Apostle John described the risen Christ as “He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.” Speaking of the church in ancient Philadelphia, our Lord told John, “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name” (Revelation 3:7–8, NKJV).
Much like us, these Christians lived in a culture that often resisted God’s truth. People desperately needed the Gospel. Jesus commended them for staying faithful to Him and His Word in spite of public opinion and pressures. They patiently endured, trusting God and bringing Him glory.
When the Lord puts an open door in front of us, we want to take full advantage of it. Thankfully, this has been a year of great opportunities for BGEA, and with the partnership of friends like you, we are seizing them for God’s glory.
We are now hard at work preparing for in-person events again across the UK and around the world, so that we can reach people who need the Lord with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
No matter what our culture’s prevailing voices may be saying, as children of God, we cannot stop speaking about the Lord and sharing Biblical truth! As long as He gives us breath, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) will stand on the Word of God and share the hope of salvation found in no other name but Jesus Christ. As the Apostle Paul said, “How are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?” (Romans 10:14, ESV)
Your partnership in proclaiming truth and sharing hope means more than you’ll ever know. The Bible says, “Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58, ESV).
May God bless you,
Franklin Graham | President
On 11th September, 2001, almost 3,000 people were killed when terrorists hijacked and crashed airliners in New York City, Washington D.C., and rural Pennsylvania. In the aftermath of the attacks, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association opened a prayer centre in Manhattan to minister to rescue workers, survivors, and friends and families of the victims who were struggling with grief and trauma. Not long after, the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team was born.
Since then, Billy Graham chaplains have deployed to crisis situations across the globe, ranging from natural disasters and terror attacks, to civil unrest and areas hard hit by COVID-19.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the ministry, and your support over the years has brought hope and comfort to many here in the UK. Most recently, chaplains deployed to the broken-hearted community of Plymouth in Devon following a tragic shooting which killed five innocent people.
Each deployment is different, but the chaplain’s purpose remains the same: to share hope in the midst of crisis, all in the Name of Jesus—and we give thanks for your heart for this ministry.
In the aftermath of the pandemic, how do Christians live as the church? How do we share the Gospel in this new normal?
These questions and more will be addressed during four Evangelism Summits across the UK this autumn.
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) is holding these in-person gatherings in Glasgow, Liverpool, South Wales, and London this October and November to support the church in our fundamental mission of evangelism—and you are invited.
The pandemic has forced us to change the way we do evangelism. As a ministry, BGEA hosted online events which reached thousands across the globe, but this time we are thrilled to gather in person and ask God to renew us all for our greatest commission: “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15, ESV).
Even before the pandemic, we were living in an era where less than half of Britons identify as Christian. With the number of church goers in the UK plummeting over the past decade, as believers we must be true to our mission of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. We cannot wait for opportunities to share the Gospel—we must open doors for evangelism in our community.
You and one of your church leaders are invited to register your interest in attending the summit by completing the form on our website: Each event will feature a time of worship and fellowship followed by Biblical insight from well-known speakers from the UK and around the world. All arrangements will follow COVID-19 safety and health guidelines. Space is limited, so please let us know if you would like to join us.
If you are not able to gather with us, we hope you will consider supporting this event through your prayers and giving. So many people in our communities need the hope that only Jesus Christ can give. Will you help share it with others and revitalise the church of Christ across the UK through these summits? Together, let’s refocus our efforts to shine the light of Jesus during these dark times.
“I want to go back to God”
Leonard* was in the depths of depression. He came across our internet evangelism website where he was connected with a trained volunteer. He explained that he had not been sleeping well. “I want to go back to God. I’ve tried hard not to separate from Him, but why am I in this situation?” he asked. The volunteer explained that our sins have separated us from God, but Jesus Christ took our sins to the cross so that—if we repent and believe—we can be reconciled with God forever. “Do you want to turn to God and be saved?” the volunteer typed. “Yes. I want to be on God’s side,” Leonard replied. Shortly after, he prayed for forgiveness and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour.
“I don’t deserve to be saved”
Anna* visited to ask an important question: “How do I have a relationship with God?” One of our trained volunteers explained the Gospel, and then asked Anna if she believed that she could be saved through Jesus Christ. “Yes, but I just don’t believe that I deserve it,” Anna replied. The volunteer reassured her that salvation is a free gift, and no person on Earth can ever earn it. After praying the sinner’s prayer, Anna committed her life to the Lord Jesus Christ. She is now enrolled in our free online discipleship course, growing in her relationship with Christ.
God works through people like you to change the world by the power of the Gospel.
PROCLAIM THE GOOD NEWS THROUGH FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS: Though people search for truth everywhere, life-changing truth is found only in Jesus Christ. When you give a gift for Festivals and Celebrations, you help give people in places around the world the opportunity to hear the Gospel message of God’s eternal love.
REACH SEARCHING HEARTS WITH THE GOSPEL: Your gift to Internet Evangelism is vital to keep this outreach effective and available to people everywhere who search for truth, even where the Gospel cannot be shared openly. The ministry is active worldwide in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean.
SHARE THE HOPE AND HEALING OF JESUS CHRIST: Your contribution in support of the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team helps bring comfort in Christ’s Name to hurting communities and broken lives.