We all connect with God differently.
After all, He made us unique—male and female in a variety of races and ethnicities, each gifted in a special way. And we were all uniquely made to worship Him.
Have you ever thought about ways you naturally relate to God?
Maybe you looked out from a mountaintop and sensed Him. Or felt His presence by walking or running along a wooded trail, or by the ocean. Or even stepping outside for five minutes.
The Bible talks about how nature is God’s creation, from the Garden of Eden in Genesis; how mountains will sing in Isaiah; and how even rocks will cry out praise for the Lord if men don’t, in Luke.
Others may feel closest to God when they’re serving and loving people. The Bible says, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Philippians 2:4). This was Jesus’ life on earth—performing miraculous healings, showing compassion and ultimately giving His life so mankind can be in relationship with God.
The Biblical story of Ruth, a widow, shows her selflessness and devotion in taking care of her widowed mother-in-law—forever.
“For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge.
Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.
Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried.”
—Ruth 1:16–17
Another way to connect with God is fighting for what pleases Him. You may feel led to defend religious freedom and liberties.
Or your soul may be filled when you talk to God in prayer. Others are inspired to see God move in a mighty way as His people humbly seek His face (2 Chronicles 7:14). Recently, tens of thousands lived this out at Prayer March 2020 with Franklin Graham in Washington, D.C.
In the Bible, Mary of Bethany showed Christ unconditional love. She adored and respected Him, listening at His feet and washing them with expensive ointment.
“Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair.” —John 12:3
How do you adore Him?
One of God’s beloved, David, led the Israelites in “celebrating before God with all their might, with song and lyres and harps and tambourines and cymbals and trumpets,” according to 1 Chronicles 13:8.
There are countless ways you can show God you’re thinking about Him. Think about the talents He’s given you. Are you a dancer? Dance for Him. An artist? Reflect on a Bible story and put it down on canvas.
You likely have more than one way to connect with God. None is holier than another, and your way of connecting isn’t better than someone else’s. It’s about knowing how to best express your faith; this will help you feel closer to Christ.
Relating to Him can give you a fresh outlook on life every day.