That was the message sent through our website by a man named Ali, a young Muslim who came to the UK in fear for his life, and who is now exploring the Christian faith with the support of John, a UK Search for Jesus Email Responder.
“Four years ago, when I was 14, I was seen with a girl. The brother saw us together but I escaped. He went to my house to find me, but he faced my Dad and killed him. Everything happened so quick. I didn’t get the chance to say bye to my Mum because my uncle wanted to get me out of the country. Every night I think about what happened. It was my fault. I blame myself for everything because he died because of me.
“I don’t know where my Mum is and what she’s doing right now; this makes me upset. Before I came to England I was in France. I was starving. One day someone took me to this church. They gave me clothes and let me eat with them. I felt loved and protected. I will never forget the people there and their church.
“I came to this country with no English. I had nothing but I studied hard to make myself a better person and the people here helped me a lot. I would love you to teach me about Christianity.”
Pray for Ali and the many others who have been called ‘out of darkness into His marvellous light (1 Peter 2:9, NKJV) as a result of God working through the Search for Jesus ministry.
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