Despite the unexpected cold weather, more than 9,000 people bundled up and came out Tuesday night to the third stop of the God Loves You Tidewater Tour in the Tri-state region of Elkton, Maryland, US.
“I want you to know that tonight you can come home to your Father in Heaven,” said Franklin Graham, whose message centred on the story of the prodigal son from Luke 15. “A lot of people are running. They are searching for purpose and meaning in their life.”
The words pierced Janette’s heart. The 35-year-old sat by herself in the crowded fairgrounds, listening to every word.
Only months before, doctors had told her that she was dying. While lying on her hospital bed, Janette had cried out for God to help her. And He did, giving her more time.
She knew God was real but still felt burdened by sin in her life.
“You can be forgiven. Your soul can be safe and secure in the hands of Almighty God,” said Franklin Graham. “Come tonight to Christ, and He’ll never leave you.”
As he gave the invitation, Janette stood. She was ready for God to lift her burden and asked Jesus Christ to be her Saviour.

A Family Affair
Lucy and her 14-year-old son David came together to volunteer on Tuesday night. After hearing about the tour at church, David signed up for the Christian Life and Witness Course so he could receive training to be a prayer volunteer.
“The church said they needed volunteers of all ages, and I wanted to be able to pray with others,” he said. By the end of the night, David was able to pray with several people who made decisions for Christ.
Lucy was thankful the tour had come to their small town of Elkton. She and her college-aged daughter had handed out fliers in their neighbourhood and invited everyone they could to the event.
“I think what our nation really needs is a revival,” Lucy said. “Everybody is doing their part with a big event like this.”
Filling the Void
“There are some here tonight who know there is something missing,” Franklin Graham shared. “You have a vacuum, an emptiness; you’ve been searching all of your life.”
Sitting next to her sister in the crowd, Clara felt as if the words were meant just for her. She had felt empty inside for years and came to the event looking for answers.
“There is only One who can fill that vacuum, and it’s God. He made you and He loves you—He will fill that void if you come to His Son Jesus Christ in repentance and faith,” Franklin Graham said.
When the evangelist invited people to respond to Christ, Clara stood up along with her sister and hundreds more throughout the crowd.
Aishani, one of the prayer volunteers, shared with Clara: “God is your provider, your healer, your comforter. Only He can fill that void in you. Just call on Jesus.”
Holding Aishani’s hands, Clara prayed to commit her life to Christ. Next to them, her sister had made the same life-changing decision.
God’s love was the answer they had been looking for.
Please pray for the final three stops of the God Loves You Tour in Salisbury, Maryland (May 4); Portsmouth, Virginia (May 6); and Edenton; North Carolina (May 7), US.
>>Find out More about the God Loves You Tour coming to London this Summer.