The new coronavirus has been making headlines for weeks now, crippling economies, cancelling school, disrupting travel and killing more than 2,800 people around the world, with new cases reported each week. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 50 countries have confirmed cases of the coronavirus, bringing the total number of those infected—most active, some recovered—over 82,000. On Monday, the DOW had plunged 1,000 points amid fears of a pandemic.
On Wednesday, Franklin Graham offered prayers for those affected.
“We pray for the people of China and other nations where this virus is spreading. Our hearts go out to those who are sick and suffering and to the families who are grieving the loss of loved ones,” he wrote on Facebook.
Graham, whose grandparents were medical missionaries to China from 1916-1941, has a heart for Christians in that nation. He also shared his desire that people in all nations—impacted by the coronavirus and otherwise—come to know true peace through Jesus Christ.
“King David said, ‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me…’ (Psalm 23:4). One day we will all stand before Him and give an account of how we have lived our lives. My prayer is that each and every one will put their hope and trust in Jesus Christ.”
Are You Worried About the Coronavirus?
The virus may be all over the news, but even at its worst, you can have the same peace Franklin Graham talked about. How is that possible when there’s widespread panic?
Trust can calm our worries—but trust in what? Trust who? Who can be so strong and wise and good that you can entrust your life to him?
God is. God created you and loves you more than you can imagine. He knows your doubts and fears and He cares about them. The Bible, God’s words to us, says, “[cast] all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
That means giving your uncertainties and distress to the God who wants you to feel secure in Him. To experience that kind of security, you first need to have a relationship with Him. And He made a way for you to do that.
God cares so much about you that He sent Jesus Christ to save you from eternal separation from Him, providing a way for you to be with Him forever.
It’s wise to protect yourself against this outbreak. At the same time, don’t let anxiety consume your life. Jesus asks us in the Bible, “And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” (Matthew 6:27).
Trouble and suffering will always exist, but you can have peace in your heart knowing your future is safely in God’s hands.
Will you put your trust in Him today?
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