Photo above: A Billy Graham Prayer Line staff member listens and prays with a caller. One of the newer ministries of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), God is using the prayer line mightily, with more than 1.3 million calls answered since starting in March 2020.
Sometimes you just need someone to talk to. That’s why Jeff*, a retired law enforcement officer, called the 24/7 Billy Graham Prayer Line.
He was profoundly lonely, telling the trained team member several times how isolated he felt. Jeff followed Christ but just needed to connect with someone who would listen.
“I visited with him and was able to pray for the presence and peace of the Lord to be with him,” the team member said. “It was amazing to be able to serve and pray for a man who sacrificed his life every day in service on the police force.”
Jeff left the call feeling encouraged that someone cared about him.
Others like Sai* call, but don’t know Jesus at all.
Sai was raised in a different religion and wasn’t happy with his life. A Christian friend from high school knew he was searching for hope and answers—and encouraged him to call the prayer line.
The trained team member shared the four steps to finding peace with God. After that, Sai prayed to ask Christ into his heart and life. Before they hung up, the team member encouraged him to download a Bible app and read the Book of John.
Calling From Greece
The Billy Graham Prayer Line receives calls from people in the United States, but also around the world.
Dimitris* phoned from Greece, sharing that he watched Billy Graham sermons. He had called before, sharing his battle with darkness and light. This time, Dimitris decided to come to the light found in Jesus Christ and prayed to surrender his life to Him.
The team member he spoke with congratulated Dimitris and told him how “happy the angels are.” Dimitris is excited about everything he’s learning in his new spiritual journey.
Coming Back to God
Many who’ve fallen away from God find themselves lost—and want a change. They’re ready to trust that He knows what’s best for them.
Nearly 30 years ago, Marcus* said the words to confess his sins and invite Christ into his heart. But he didn’t change his lifestyle. He didn’t live for God, read the Bible or go to church.
Marcus fell back into sin, saying he’s “everything the Bible says a sinner is.” He was even scared that God had turned him over to a reprobate mind.
The team member encouraged Marcus to trust that the Holy Spirit was the One who had prompted him to call in the first place. Weary of his lifestyle, Marcus prayed to rededicate his life to Christ. After that, the team member prayed for him and later praised God for His grace for Marcus.
Running From God
When people accept Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in their heart. The Holy Spirit is one part of the Trinity—God the Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Spirit.
One caller, Olivia* couldn’t feel the Holy Spirit’s presence any more. She’s been running from God and falling back into sin. Olivia believes Jesus will return soon and was worried since she hadn’t been at peace with Him. She wanted to turn from her sin and follow Him.
Olivia was grateful, jotting down Scriptures she and the team member talked about. She was looking forward to a change—reading her Bible regularly, praying, going to church and finding Christian friends to encourage her.
*Names changed for privacy