Cissie Graham Lynch and a New Fearless Season

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” —2 Timothy 1:7, ESV

From a botched assassination attempt on a presidential candidate to political chaos and Olympic outrage, this summer break has been far from quiet.

In this cultural turmoil, a strong faith is critical.

This fall, Cissie Graham Lynch launches new episodes of her Fearless podcast with a renewed desire to help you “make the truth of God’s Word the cornerstone” of your home.

“The world seems to be spinning out of control,” Cissie said on this new episode, acknowledging that “it’s easy to become disheartened by the darkness.”

With an election looming, how can parents lead their family through today’s political minefield?

“How do we adequately equip and prepare our children for a society that is this godless?” Cissie asked, announcing her election prayer guide for Christian families coming this fall. “We must have a strong faith if we want to stay a strong nation.”

Listen as Cissie encourages you and your family to keep standing for truth—especially in these difficult days.