Chaplains Deploy to Southport Following Fatal Stabbing

Crisis-trained chaplains from the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team have deployed to Southport after a fatal stabbing took the lives of three girls and seriously injuring many more. This tragic event has been labelled as one of the worst assaults against children in the United Kingdom in decades.

Monday morning (29th July), a brutal knife attack killed three children aged six, seven and nine years-old, whilst they were attending a local dance class.

Chaplains have deployed to Southport, Merseyside to provide a ministry of hope. Whether that’s offering a listening ear or prayer, the chaplains are on the ground to minister to the broken-hearted – sharing the light of Christ at this time of suffering.

The incident has deeply affected the Southport community, known for its peaceful and quiet atmosphere, and the chaplains are working closely with local churches to support those grieving and in need of comfort.

“It’s Southport, things like this don’t happen here,” a phrase that kept being repeated to Nigel Fawcett-Jones, Manager of Billy Graham Rapid Response Team UK when speaking with the locals.

Nigel arrived in Southport on Monday afternoon, just a couple of hours after the tragedy had unfolded in a quiet street, a mile or so from the sedate Southport sea-front. “Everyone I speak with says the same thing, ‘It’s so quiet here’, ‘I moved here for retirement’, ‘I can’t believe here, of all places’,” Nigel added.

Please pray for those affected by this tragedy. Please join us in praying for the parents and loved ones of the victims and survivors. Please also pray for the chaplains as they share the peace and comfort of Christ in a difficult situation. 


UPDATE: 31st July 

Thousands of people gathered at the vigil on on Tuesday evening (30th July), a team of four chaplains were present on the scene, ready to provide emotional and spiritual support at a time where hearts are broken, and people are living in fear of their children’s safety.

People are angry, people are hurting. Chaplains were amongst the crowd at the vigil held at Southport Town Centre, speaking and praying with people who have been deeply distressed by the incident. One of them was Daniel*.

He approached a chaplain who was stood near the area where flowers were being laid. The news of the stabbing has shaken Daniel, who lost his teenage soon several years ago. The loss of his son caused Daniel years of suffering, and even the breakdown of his family. Having moved to Southport for a quieter life, the shocking event and death of the three girls had brought back trauma and pain in Daniel’s heart.

The chaplain was able to comfort Daniel, reminding him that God has not forgotten his heartache and pain. “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18-20, NIV).

After praying with the chaplain, Daniel left with a sense of hope for himself and the hurting community of Southport.

*names changed for privacy.


Rapid Response Team

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