Bringing Good News to East Coast’s Tidewater Region

Timonium, Md.: More than 3,900 people attended the second stop of Franklin Graham’s God Loves You Tidewater Tour in Timonium, Md., just north of Baltimore. The tour continues this week with stops in Elkton and Salisbury, Md.; Portsmouth, Va.; and Edenton, N.C, US.
La Plata, Md.: Gospel events like the Tidewater Tour are reaching future generations for Jesus Christ. Please pray for a move of the Holy Spirit in each city to come.
La Plata, Md.: Guitarist and vocalist Dennis Agajanian kicked off Saturday’s worship with songs such as “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus.” When he led the crowd in “God Bless America,” they enthusiastically sang along.
La Plata, Md.: These evangelism events wouldn’t be possible without faithful volunteers like these who handed out free tour T-shirts. Before Saturday’s Southern Potomac River Region event, altogether more than 550 people volunteered their time to tell people about the event and invite them to come
La Plata, Md.: For the last seven years, Franklin Graham has held evangelistic tour events across the United States. From sunny California to the coastlines of Florida, more than 440,000 people heard the hope of the Gospel and over 27,000 made decisions for Jesus Christ.
La Plata, Md.: A prayer team member hugs a woman who responded to Franklin Graham’s invitation to receive Christ. More than 150 trained volunteers talked and prayed with those who made spiritual decisions.
La Plata, Md.: The crowd at Charles County Fairgrounds were on their feet as Newsboys’ Michael Tait and Latin artist Marcos Witt led the crowd in worship with an English/Spanish version of “The Revelation Song.”
La Plata, Md.: Under a beautiful night sky, Franklin Graham talked about how culture and the world are quickly changing—but how one thing never will. “God’s Word is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever,” he said. “His Word doesn’t change. The Bible is God’s Word cover to cover. Every word of this is true.”
La Plata, Md.: The God Loves You Tidewater Tour with Franklin Graham kicked off Saturday in La Plata, Md., as thousands heard the Gospel and many surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. The six-city tour runs through May 7.
Timonium, Md.: The fairgrounds typically host agricultural events, concerts, and other shows, but on Sunday, people heard a message that could change the trajectory of their lives.
Timonium, Md.: Ron (left) participated in a Billy Graham Crusade in 1981, and on Sunday, he spent his 69th birthday serving as a prayer counsellor on the Tidewater Tour. Watch as Ron explains what prompted him to volunteer in this short clip.
Timonium, Md.: A woman followed along with Franklin Graham’s message from Mark 10:17–31. The evangelist told of a rich young man who learned that the most important thing to Jesus Christ is to follow Him wholeheartedly.
Timonium, Md.: “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” —Deuteronomy 6:6–7
Timonium, Md.: “There are some here tonight who have this emptiness and restlessness in their souls,” Franklin Graham said, looking into the stands. “Something is missing—it’s God. … God loves you, and He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, from Heaven to Earth, not to condemn you, but to save you.”
Timonium, Md.: Despite constant rain, people came to the Maryland State Fairgrounds to hear Good News from Franklin Graham. Many brought loved ones who need to know about the real, lasting hope found in Jesus Christ.