A Changed Heart in Kentucky

Major flooding in mid-February killed at least 22 people in Kentucky and West Virginia, and displaced hundreds of others.

Thousands more lost power, including Linda* and Tom.* This couple in Pikeville, Kentucky, met Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) chaplains who are in the area offering emotional and spiritual care.

Following severe storms, Tom and Linda welcomed her mother into their home. Rhonda has been battling brain tumors and lost her own house in the storm. The three were grateful to be together, although they had no electricity.

After hearing about the family, chaplains Joel Catron and Jim Leinbach brought them a generator provided by sister ministry Samaritan’s Purse, which is providing disaster relief in the region. The chaplains then struck up a conversation.

While Jim set up the machine, Linda told Joel about her faith journey. As a Christian, she eagerly shared about her faith and the ways she serves at her local church.

Tom later came out of the house and joined the group.

“We quickly found commonality,” Joel said. “Tom had lost his son, and I had also lost a son. … He still seemed angry about it.”

“Tom, your wife is a Christian and active in the church. What’s your story?” Joel asked. Nearby, Jim silently prayed for their conversation as he worked.

Tom was a man of few words but told chaplains that he was not a Christian. He and Linda had talked about Jesus in the past.

Joel took his time walking Tom through “Steps to Peace With God”—a Gospel tract explaining how to find salvation, hope, and joy through Jesus Christ. By the end, Tom was ready to turn his burdens over to the Lord and surrender his life to Him.

“It was almost like he already knew what he was going to do before he came out of the house,” Joel said. “The Holy Spirit had already been working on him.”

Jim could see Linda’s joy over her husband’s newfound faith.

“She was all smiles,” he said as he praised God for how He had worked.

Will you pray for many others who have been overwhelmed by this tragedy in Pike County, Kentucky, and Mingo County, West Virginia? Pray that they will find true fulfilment in Christ as our chaplains minister there.

*Names changed for privacy