I just turned 70, and I can't believe how fast my life has passed.
“I just turned 70, and I can't believe how fast my life has passed. When I was young, I thought it would last forever, but suddenly it's almost over. Did you ever feel this way?”
“I just turned 70, and I can't believe how fast my life has passed. When I was young, I thought it would last forever, but suddenly it's almost over. Did you ever feel this way?”
“I admit I’ve wasted my life. I’ve always lived for the moment and never given much thought to how I was living. I always thought I was having a good time, but it’s caught up with me. Is it too late to turn to God? Or is He fed up with me?”
“I didn't come from a religious family (quite the opposite, in fact). But recently I gave my life to Jesus because of a man I met on an airplane. What should I do now?”
“I know the angels were very much a part of Jesus' birth (for example, in making the announcements to Mary and the shepherds), but do they still do anything? Or are angels no longer active?”
“I’ve had at least three close calls in the last few years (two bad auto wrecks, one heart attack) and my friends say it’s a miracle I’m still alive. What is God trying to tell me, if anything? Or have I just been lucky?”
“I suppose you’ve been asked this before, but will there be animals in heaven? My dog died a few months ago, and I miss him very, very much. After my husband died, I guess my dog became my best friend.”
“Whenever my aunt wants to tell my brothers or me what we’re doing wrong (which she frequently does), she’ll often quote the Bible to “set us straight.” But how do we know what she says is really in the Bible, or if she’s just making it up? I admit she gets on our nerves sometimes.”
“I suppose I ought to apologize to someone I’ve hurt, but I can’t bring myself to do it. Should I just forget about it, since I know she’s still angry at me and I’m sure it won’t do any good to apologize?”
“I have a friend who says he thinks he's already achieved perfection, because he doesn't know of any sins he commits now. Do you think that's possible? How can we become perfect?”
“I’ve never thought about death very much, but a few months ago I was diagnosed with cancer, and while the treatment seems to be going well, I’ve wonder sometimes if I’m going to make it. I’m afraid to die. How can I get over this fear?”
“I think my husband may have a problem with alcohol. He’ll go for weeks with just a few drinks a day, but then he’ll go on a binge and be wiped out for several days. Should this concern me?”
“My husband and I made a New Year's resolution to lose weight this year (which we both need to do), but are we just being vain because we want to look better? Or does the Bible also say something about this?”