I heard the other day that you were planning to preach one more time before God takes you to heaven. Is that true?
“I heard the other day that you were planning to preach one more time before God takes you to heaven. Is that true?”
“I heard the other day that you were planning to preach one more time before God takes you to heaven. Is that true?”
“I’ve heard a lot lately about the possibility that some day the earth (or at least human life) will be destroyed by a large meteor or asteroid. This worries me, because apparently it’s happened before and we don’t have any way to prevent it. Is this how the world is going to end, according to the Bible?”
“Our children complain because we won't let them watch some of the TV shows their friends watch. But we just can't see why we should expose them to all the bad language and sex and violence on TV now. Are we just old-fashioned?”
“I went to a memorial service for a neighbor the other day, and the people who spoke didn’t even mention God, heaven, or anything like that. Everything was about the person who’d died and how we should try to be like she was. Is this the trend in funerals and memorial services today?”
“Are we always supposed to kneel when we pray? Or does the Bible give us some other command about how we should pray? I don’t want to be disrespectful toward God.”
“I don’t understand how Jesus could be God and yet also be a man, like Christians claim He was. Human beings are limited and imperfect, while God is perfect and can do anything He wants. How could Jesus be both?”
“Why are some people so stubborn? My sister is married to a man who's very stubborn and opinionated, and no matter what the issue, he won't change his mind. Why do some people always have to be right, even when they're obviously wrong?”
“Our church just got word that a missionary we’ve supported for many years has died of a heart attack at age 48. I know we aren’t supposed to question God, but why would He do this? It just doesn’t make sense.”
“My mother’s sister hasn’t had anything to do with our family or with God for years. Mother prayed and prayed for her, that she’d visit us and also turn back to God. But when Mother died a few months ago, she didn’t even come to the funeral. Should we just give up on her?”
“You surely don't believe in hell, do you? That went out with the Middle Ages, when people were ignorant and superstitious and didn't understand science. We're more enlightened today.”
“My husband is working on our income taxes for last year. Since he got paid in cash for some of the jobs he did, he's not going to include this income on his tax form. He claims the government would just waste the money anyway. He says everyone else cheats on their taxes, so why shouldn't we? Is he wrong?”
“We prayed and prayed for my mother’s cancer to be healed, and we really believed God was going to do it (as did she, for she had a strong faith). But He didn’t, and we’re devastated. Was it because we didn’t have enough faith?”