
How bad can you be and still be a Christian?

“I have a cousin who says he believes in Jesus and claims he's going to go to heaven when he dies, but he sure doesn't act like a Christian. How bad can you be and still be a Christian?”

Our parents just told us they're getting divorced.

“Our parents just told us they're getting divorced. We're not surprised, but they also told us they've stayed together all these years just for our sake, until we were grown. We feel very guilty, because they could've gone their separate ways and been happy if it hadn't been for us. Are we wrong to feel this way?”

Why does the devil keep fighting against God?

“Why does the devil keep fighting against God? Hasn't he figured out that he's going to be defeated someday, so why does he bother? Or is the “devil” just a symbol for evil, so that what we call “the devil” isn't actually real?”