
Why do you preachers quote the Bible all the time?

“Why do you preachers quote the Bible all the time? Don't you know it's out of date and utterly useless today? People thousands of year ago might have found it useful, but we live in a different time.”

Why should I bother with God?

“I don't need religion to have peace. All I need are my pills. Why should I bother with God? I can get all the peace I need from my drugs.”

How can I become a better person?

“At the beginning of the year, I made a list of things I wanted to change about my life. But the other day I looked at it and realized I'd hardly made any progress. How can I become a better person? I've not been very good at it so far.”

Why are you Christians so opposed to changes in society?

“Why are you Christians so opposed to changes in society? I can think of a whole list of things I think people should be allowed to do, but it's always religious people who stand in the way. I think we ought to be free to do anything we want, as long as we aren't hurting anyone.”

Aren't Christians not supposed to fear death?

“My aunt is a very devout person — she’s active in her church, reads her Bible daily, prays for others, and so forth. But I’ve never met anyone so concerned about her health or so afraid of getting sick. Aren’t Christians not supposed to fear death?”