
Do I have to become a preacher in order to serve God?

“Do I have to become a preacher in order to serve God? I'm in high school and trying to decide what to do with my life. I like people, but I'm no good at public speaking and hate being in front of a crowd. But if God wants me to be a preacher, I guess I'll have to get over that.”

Is it wrong for me to ask God to take me?

“I'm old and sick and stuck in a nursing home now, and I don't understand why God even keeps me alive. I'm tired of living and I want to go to Heaven — the sooner the better. Is it wrong for me to ask God to take me?”

I can't stand the pain. Why doesn't God take it away?

“I've been in constant pain the last two years because of some back surgery that didn't work. Now I'm afraid I've gotten hooked on painkillers. I get prescriptions from several doctors who don't know I'm getting them from the others. I know that's wrong, but I can't stand the pain. Why doesn't God take it away?”

Does God always punish us when we do wrong?

“Does God always punish us when we do wrong? I used to think so, but now I'm not sure. I have a friend who has no use for God and lives a very immoral life, and yet she seems a lot happier than some of the Christians I know.”

Our son no longer believes in God.

“Our son no longer believes in God. He’s been influenced by his high school science teacher, who says we should only believe in things we can prove, and we can’t prove God exists. What can we say to him? I’m afraid it’s causing a lot of conflict in our family.”

When is the world going to come to an end?

“When is the world going to come to an end? I know scientists say it'll probably be millions of years from now, but what if we end up destroying ourselves instead? That's a real possibility, in my opinion.”