
Be on guard against a self-centered pride

“What’s so wrong with pride, which you preachers seem criticize so much? In my opinion, pride is a good thing, because if you don’t have pride in what you do, you’ll never accomplish anything worthwhile. Why is the Bible against pride?”

We will be perfect and without sin in heaven

“Will we be perfect when we get to heaven? I can’t imagine being instantly free of all the things I know aren’t right in my life. Maybe we’ll just slowly get better and better in heaven, because we’ll have more time to become good. Could my theory be right?”

Do what you can now to give your unborn child the best life possible

“I’m pregnant, and now my boyfriend wants nothing to do with me. I thought having a baby would bring us together, but it didn’t. Now I have to decide if I’m going to keep the baby or have an abortion. I’m so confused. Nothing is turning out the way I hoped it would. What should I do?”

By yielding to temptation, you hurt yourself – and God

“I suppose you’ve heard the old saying that “I can resist everything but temptation.” Well, that’s certainly true of me. I know I’m not living the way I should, but I don’t seem to be able to do anything about it. Any suggestions?”

Be open to what God wants to do in your life

“My girlfriend keeps bugging me about going to church with her, but to be honest, I don’t feel any need for religion, and neither do most of my friends. It would be hypocritical for me to pretend otherwise, wouldn’t it?”

Jesus' miracles demonstrated His divinity

“Why did Jesus perform all those miracles? From what I can tell, they didn’t convince most people that He was the Son of God, and anyway He didn’t heal everyone He met, did He?”

Writing a will can reveal our fear of death

“Our children want us to see a lawyer and draw up a will, but we don’t see any need for this. We aren’t wealthy, and we think they can sort things out once we’re gone. After all, Jesus didn’t have a will, did He? So why should we bother?”

Only Christ is the way and the truth and the life

“What right do we have to send missionaries to people in other parts of the world, trying to get them to believe the way we do? They have their own religions, and we ought to let them alone and not disrupt their lives with our beliefs.”