
God loves 'obnoxious' people, too!

“How do you deal with someone who’s just plain obnoxious? My brother-in-law never lets anyone else talk when he’s around, and if they do say something, he immediately argues with them because he thinks he knows everything. Should we just ignore him?”

Only by following Christ can live a truly fulfilling life

“I grew up in a religious home, but after I got a job in another city I kind of forgot about God. Most of my friends here are the same way. Maybe we’ll get back to God when we get older, but we’re happy the way we are, and that’s what counts, isn’t it? ”

God has told us what heaven will be like.

“I’ve never thought much about what happens when we die, but my grandmother died a few months ago, and now it really worries me. Is there any way we can know? Or will we just have to wait to find out?”

Don't be held prisoner by past mistakes

“I don’t understand myself. Our marriage broke up a year ago because of my husband’s unfaithfulness, and yet I’ve been overwhelmed with guilt ever since. I’m so confused. Why do I feel this way? At the time, I was glad to be rid of him.”

Jesus was God in human flesh

“I suppose it makes sense to believe in God, but I’m not sure I believe in Jesus the way you preachers say we should. Where does He fit into the picture? Isn’t it enough to believe in God?”

Ask God to guide you as you seek employment

“I know the economy is supposed to be getting better, but it sure hasn’t helped me find a job. Part of the problem is that I’m in my 50s now, and no one wants to hire people my age. Why won’t God help me? I feel so useless.”

If Christ paid the taxes He owed, why should we do anything less?

“I was disturbed by what you wrote a few weeks ago about not cheating on our taxes. I agree we have a responsibility to pay taxes and all that, but as far as I’m concerned, the government is just going to waste our money anyway, so what difference does it make if I cheat a little bit?”

Fellowship with other believers is important

“A couple of people in my church have said things about me that are very hurtful, so I’ve decided to stop going. I know you’ll try to talk me into going back, but why should I? The important thing is to believe in Jesus, isn’t it?”

With God's help, people can change

“Can people ever change? My husband has always been a very impatient person, and I’ve finally decided that he’s always going to be that way. Please pray that I’ll be able to adjust, because sometimes it’s very hard to get along with him.”