
Face your aunt's bitterness with love

“My aunt is a very bitter person, and to be honest I can understand why, since she’s had some real disappointments. She claims to be a Christian, but I’m not sure if she really is. Aren’t Christians supposed to be kind and forgiving?”

God is still working miracles

“Does God still do miracles, like He did in biblical times? If He does, why doesn’t He do more of them? Maybe more people would believe in Him if He did. ”

Christ offers us peace, even in the midst of life’s storms

“I’ve had a very difficult life the last year or so, and if God knew how I really feel about Him, He’d probably be very angry at me. But I can’t help how upset I feel at Him, because surely God could have kept these bad things from happening to me, couldn’t He?”

Rather than pie in the sky, heaven gives us hope

“I think people who talk about heaven all the time are just trying to escape from this life and its problems. I think religion ought to focus on life right now, not on some vague pie-in-the-sky idea about heaven.”

Practical changes can end poisonous arguments over money

“The only thing my wife and I ever argue about is money. We wish we could stop, and we try, but then something comes up and we’re back at it. We even pray about it, but that doesn’t seem to help. What are we doing wrong?”