
Try to view difficult relatives through God's eyes

“I know God expects us to love everybody, but how can you love people who aren’t very loveable? Many in our extended family are coming to our house for the Fourth of July, and I dread it, to be honest. Some of them are simply obnoxious.”

We all grieve over the loss of loved ones

“My husband struggled with cancer for almost five years, and when he died a few months ago I thought I was prepared for it. But I guess I wasn’t, because it’s really been painful. I know he’s in heaven, but why am I having such a hard time? Is something wrong with me?”

Missionaries are needed today more than ever

“Our church’s new budget includes a fairly large amount of money for our missionaries. But are missionaries even needed today? It seems to me that we can reach the world much more cheaply and efficiently through the Internet. Why isn’t anyone doing this?”

Help wife to see that you – and God – love her as she is

“Why do some people get their feelings hurt so easily? I deeply love my wife, but I dread going out to social events or even church, because sometimes someone will say something she thinks is directed at her (although it isn’t), and she gets upset. How can I help her?”

Satan is a Powerful Enemy We Don't Always Recognize

“What does the devil look like? I know he’s often pictured in a red suit with horns and a pitchfork and all that, but if he actually appeared to us I’m not sure we’d recognize him. What do you think?”

Prayer can help another recognize their sin

“My brother is running away from God as hard as he can, and I don’t know what to do. We grew up in a fairly religious home, but we’ve gone our separate ways and I’m afraid he’s going to destroy himself. I’ve tried praying for him, but it hasn’t done any good.”

It's never too late to see God's forgiveness

“How bad do you have to be before you’ve crossed the line and God will no longer forgive you? I’m afraid I’ve crossed that line. I used to not even think about it, but now I’m really scared.”

The devil's promises are never true

“Does the devil ever tell the truth? I guess that’s a strange question, but I got into something I was convinced would make me happy, but I was wrong. The only thing I can figure out is that the devil must have told me I’d be happy, and I believed him.”